
A NGINX Plus base dockerfile and configuration for testing

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Nginx Plus Base

A NGINX Plus base dockerfile and configuration for testing

File Structure

├── etc/
│    ├── nginx/
│    │    ├── conf.d/ # ADD your HTTP/S configurations here
│    │    │   ├── www.example.com.conf......HTTP www.example.com Virtual Server configuration
│    │    │   ├── www2.example.com.conf.....HTTPS www2.example.com Virtual Server configuration
│    │    │   ├── dummy_servers_text.conf...Dummy loopback web servers responds with plain/text
│    │    │   ├── dummy_servers_html.conf...Dummy loopback web servers responds with text/html
│    │    │   ├── upstreams.conf............Upstream configurations
│    │    │   └── status_api.conf...........NGINX Plus Live Activity Monitoring available on port 8080 - [Source](https://gist.github.com/nginx-gists/│a51 341a11ff1cf4e94ac359b67f1c4ae)
│    │    ├── includes
│    │    │    ├── add_headers
│    │    │    │   └── security.conf_ ....................Recommended response headers for security
│    │    │    ├── proxy_headers
│    │    │    │   └── load_balancing_algorithms.conf.....Recommended request headers for security and performance
│    │    │    └── ssl
│    │    │        ├── ssl_intermediate.conf.....Recommended SSL configuration for General-purpose servers with a variety of clients, recommended for almost all systems
│    │    │        ├── ssl_a+_strong.conf........Recommended SSL configuration for Based on SSL Labs A+ (https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/)
│    │    │        ├── ssl_modern.conf...........Recommended SSL configuration for Modern clients: TLS 1.3 and don't need backward compatibility
│    │    │        └── ssl_old.conf..............Recommended SSL configuration for compatiblity ith a number of very old clients, and should be used only as a last resort
│    │    ├── stream.conf.d/ #ADD your TCP and UDP Stream configurations here
│    │    └── nginx.conf ...............Main NGINX configuration file with global settings
│    └── ssl/
│          ├── nginx/
│          │   ├── nginx-repo.crt........NGINX Plus repository certificate file (**Use your own license**)
│          │   └── nginx-repo.key........NGINX Plus repository key file (**Use your own license**)
|          ├── example.com/
│          │    ├── example.com.crt......Self-signed wildcard certifcate for testing (*.example.com)
│          │    └── example.com.key......Self-signed private key for testing
|          └── dhparams/
│               ├── 1024.................Diffie-Hellman parameters 1024 key size
│               |      └── dhparam.pem..........Diffie-Hellman parameters file (1024 bit)
│               ├── 2048.................Diffie-Hellman parameters 2048 key size
│               |      └── dhparam.pem..........Diffie-Hellman parameters file (2048 bit)
│               └── 4096.................Diffie-Hellman parameters 4096 key size
│                    └── dhparam.pem..........Diffie-Hellman parameters file (4096 bit)
├── usr/
│   └── share/
│        └── nginx/
│              └── html/
│                    └── demo-index.html...Demo HTML webpage with placeholder values
└── var/
     ├── cache/
     │    └── nginx/ # Example NGINX cache path for storing cached content
     └── lib/
          └── nginx/
               └── state/ # The recommended path for storing state files on Linux distributions

Build Docker container

Note: The Dockerfile provided in this repo can be subsituted. Check out my other repo for other NGINX Plus Dockerfiles

  1. Copy and paste your nginx-repo.crt and nginx-repo.key into etc/ssl/nginx directory

  2. Build an image from your Dockerfile:

    # Run command from the folder containing the `Dockerfile`
    $ docker build -t nginx-plus .
  3. Start the Nginx Plus container, e.g.:

    # Start a new container and publish container ports 80, 443 and 8080 to the host
    $ docker run -d -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -p 8080:8080 nginx-plus

    To mount local volume:

    docker run -d -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -p 8080:8080 -v $PWD/etc/nginx:/etc/nginx nginx-plus
  4. To run commands in the docker container you first need to start a bash session inside the nginx container

    docker ps # get Docker IDs of running containers
    sudo docker exec -i -t [CONTAINER ID] /bin/sh
  5. To open logs

    docker ps # get Docker IDs of running containers
    sudo docker logs -f [CONTAINER ID]