
Toy rust plantronics library that watches the mute button and updates some external IOT hub.

Primary LanguageRust


Oh my god, it builds. That's amazing. I'm not even mad.

Y'know when you walk away from the meeting you're currently in (not that I'd EVER be that irresponsible... ahem). And then you're running the coffee machine, grinding the beans, clanking around gently swearing to yourself about running low on sugar, or finding your favourite mug, when...

Hey, could whoever that is mute?!

They're feigning polite, but you're not fooled. They know exactly who was making the noise. There's a little "This jerk is making noise" indicator right there in the meeting software, beside YOUR name.

If only you had some wireless magic sign to let you know when you forgot to mute!


This is just a little toy project that'll connect to plantronics hub and pull the mute status. It currently writes to a tasmota REST API on an Sonoff S26 IoT plug to mute or unmute an "on the air" sign like this one: On Air Sign: Aliexpress.

The end result is...


Note; plantronics hub REST api is kinda crusty. Structures are not easily coerced into static types (ie: isError adds a field, but the result is either empty or missing, but not consistently).

rust-plantronics 0.0.1
Derek Anderson <derek@armyofevilrobots.com>
Monitors state of a plantronics headset and sends events to various endpoints.

    rust-plantronics [OPTIONS] --tasmota <tasmota>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -c, --config <FILE>        Sets a custom config file
    -T, --tasmota <tasmota>    The destination url for the tasmota rest api (http://sonoff-on-air.local/)
    -u, --url <url>            The BaseURL of the plantronics API (http://localhost:32017/)