
Modified CNC Pendant Firmware. I didn't want to spend $80(USD) on a pendant that limited the functionality to only jogging moves. My branch keeps the functionality of jogging using a rotary encoder and common micro SPDT switches but also incorporates a 16 button keypad where you can assign custom G/M codes or even macros.

Primary LanguageC++


Modified CNC Pendant Firmware with Arduino Nano Clone with CH340G microchip. I didn't want to spend $80(USD) on a pendant that limited the functionality to only jogging moves. My branch keeps the functionality of jogging using a rotary encoder and common micro SPDT 1P2T switches but also incorporates a 16 button keypad where you can assign custom G/M codes or even macros. This also maintains Panel Due functionality by passing TX from the Arduino to the Duet board and RX from the Arudino to the Panel Due.

*NOTE: This should work with other Arduino boards like the Arduino Micro Pro. However my testing was done only with a Nano clone so all wiring and sketch notes are based on the Nano. There's residual info/configs from the original fork I didn't want to get rid of.

The Arduino Nano I use come un-soldered. The printed parts I designed are based off Arduino Nano clones without the pins. The parts could still work if modified but for now you'd probably have some fitment issues. You will need to solder pins to D2-D9 for the keypad. Make sure to flip the pins so the longer end of the pins are on the top instead of the bottom.

Nano     Connected to:   
VCC      PanelDue side port 5V
GND      PanelDue side port 0V
GND      LED - Terminal, Rotary Encoder Ground, Mini Switch Middle Terminal, Emergency Stop
5v       Rotary Encoder + Terminal, LED + Terminal-Make sure you use the correct resistor to reduce the votage from the Arduino. 120-220 ohm should be sufficient.
A0       Emergency Stop
A1       NC
A2       Rotary Encoder Pin A
A3       Rotary Encoder Pin B
A4       X Switch Top Lug
A5       Y Switch Top Lug
A6       Z Switch Top Lug
A7       NC
D2       Keypad Membrane
D3       Keypad Membrane
D4       Keypad Membrane
D5       Keypad Membrane
D6       Keypad Membrane
D7       Keypad Membrane
D8       Keypad Membrane
D9       Keypad Membrane
D10      X.1 Switch Top Lug
D11      X1 Switch Top Lug
D12      X10 Switch Top Lug
D13      NC
TX1      Through 6K8 resistor to Duet URXD0
RX0      Paneldue Dout Side Port

To use the jog features you will need to select your axis and the movement increments by sliding the switch up. So if you slide the X switch up and the x1 switch up, turning the rotary encoder will move the axis in 1mm increments.

Code Explanation The G/M code you wish to assign to the keypad buttons must have a specific format. The desired G/M code goes in the quotations with "\n" at the end of each code.

For instance

1. this code is assigned to button number 1 and when pressed it sends G28 to the printer. 
  if (key == '1') { output.print("G28\n"); } // Home all

You can assign a button to run multiple G/M codes at once.

For instance

2. this code is assigned to button number 4. When pressed it enables the hotend and sets it's temp to 200. Notice each code must have "\n" after the end of it.
  else if (key == '4') { output.print("T0 P0\n G10 P0 S200\n"); }  // Enable hotend and set temp to 200c

This code is assigned to button number 3.

3. When pressed it sends; M120-pushes state of the machine to a stack, M83-Sets extruder to relative position, G1-Linear move, E10 F900-Extrude 10mm of filament at 900mm per minute, M121-Recovers last state from stack
  else if (key == '3') { output.print("M120\n M83\n G1\n E10\n F900\n M121\n"); } //Extrude 10mm of filament at 15mm/s

The original sketch included a LED that would illuminate when the Estop was pressed but I found it inconsistent. The LED would often stay lit after the Estop was pressed so my sketch has the LED part removed.

I used the core from door bell wire and daisy chained all the switch grounds to clean up the wiring.

I installed a latching push button switch where one terminal goes to ground on the Arduino and the other terminal goes to ground for all switches, rotary encoder and LED. Wiring it this way allows me to disable the rotary encoder, tactile switches and slide switches preventing any unwanted movement. When the switch is latched it enables the rotary encoder and all other switches, the LED will light up to let you know everything is grounded/enabled.

Parts list These are the links for reference of the parts I puchased:

Arduino Nano Clone These boards are so inexepensive and have so many uses I buy them 10 at a time un-soldered. With them unsoldered it's also easier to desolder the resistor on the front leading to the LED and desolder the 1k resistor on the rear and replace it with a 10k resistor. I used a little hot glue from a hot glue gun to secure the resistor to the back of the board to protect it.

10 Pack un-soldered https://www.amazon.com/Longruner-ATmega328P-Controller-Module-Arduino/dp/B01MSYWE6B/ref=sxts_sxwds-bia-wc-p13n2_0?cv_ct_cx=Arduino+nano&dchild=1&keywords=Arduino+nano&pd_rd_i=B01MSYWE6B&pd_rd_r=591b0af8-b947-419b-8434-9e79dfdbbbc6&pd_rd_w=AnJxk&pd_rd_wg=Pw5cq&pf_rd_p=1da5beeb-8f71-435c-b5c5-3279a6171294&pf_rd_r=6WRDT0RYW70J8K0M9YS9&psc=1&qid=1594168206&sr=1-2-70f7c15d-07d8-466a-b325-4be35d7258cc

3 Pack un-soldered https://www.amazon.com/WYPH-ATmega328P-Microcontroller-Development-Not-soldered/dp/B07KCH534K/ref=sr_1_6?dchild=1&keywords=Arduino+nano&qid=1594168206&sr=8-6

2 Position Mini switch If it's a 3 prong switch the middle lug is the common lug. When the switch is in the bottom position, the circuit for the bottom lug and middle lug are closed while the top lug is open. When the switch is in the top position, the circuit for the top lug and middle lug are closed while the bottom lug is open. https://www.amazon.com/uxcell-Position-Switch-Solder-SS12F1-G3/dp/B007QAJMHO/ref=sr_1_14?dchild=1&keywords=2+Position+SPDT+1P2T+Mini+Panel+Slide+Switch&qid=1594083563&sr=8-14

Keypad membrane 4x4 16 key keypad membrane https://www.amazon.com/WINGONEER-Universial-Switch-Keyboard-Arduino/dp/B06XHFC19G/ref=pd_sbs_328_2/133-1063505-5236503?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B06XHFC19G&pd_rd_r=67e9bbfe-5eec-46e6-a852-5baba54dd59c&pd_rd_w=SBiDd&pd_rd_wg=edIjZ&pf_rd_p=d28ef93e-22cf-4527-b60a-90c984b5663d&pf_rd_r=3M5CRSQBKZ5DJ6H25J6K&psc=1&refRID=3M5CRSQBKZ5DJ6H25J6K

KY-040 Rotary Encoder I desoldered the pins and soldered the wires directly to the board. The push button terminal(SW) is not connected to the Arudino. https://www.amazon.com/Cylewet-Encoder-15%C3%9716-5-Arduino-CYT1062/dp/B06XQTHDRR/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2URJ7FOBKV0DA&dchild=1&keywords=rotary+encoder&qid=1594146946&sprefix=rotary+e%2Caps%2C183&sr=8-3

6 x 6mm Momentary Tactile Push Button Switch Micro NO/NC These are 4 pin momentary push button switches. Depending which lugs you solder, the switch can be used as NO(switch circuit is open until pressed) OR NC(switch is closed until pressed). Currently used for Emergency Stop/Reset Button. Can also be used for to assign additional G/M codes. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B071KX71SV/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 **Note: Coding to support additional push button switches in prgoress.

5mm LEDs https://www.amazon.com/MCIGICM-Circuit-Assorted-Science-Experiment/dp/B07PG84V17/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=5mm+led&qid=1594167835&s=industrial&sr=1-3