
Support files for SparkFun's 32u4-based Arduino-compatible development boards.

Primary LanguageC

###NOTE: This repository is no longer being maintained. We have (or will) migrate all support to the Arduino Boards repository. Please use this repository for reference or older products only.

SparkFun ATmega32U4 Board Support

This contains support for the following SparkFun 32u4 based Arduino-compatible development boards:

Installation Instructions

To add this support to your Arduino IDE, simply copy the "sparkfun" folder, and all of its contents, into a "hardware" directory in one of two places:

  • The actual Arduino directory
    • Directory structure example: C:/Program Files (x86)/Arduino/hardware/sparkfun/avr
  • Inside your Sketchbook directory
    • Directory structure example: C:/Users/userName/Arduino/hardware/sparkfun/avr


  • Please note: This will only work under Arduino IDE versions 1.5 and up.
  • For Arduino 1.0.X Compatibility: Please download our release for Arduino 1.0.6 and earlier.
  • Information on compiling and programming the bootloader can be found in the bootloader directory.