Face Mask Detection and Attendance System

A python Windows app to detect students and records names


Python OpenCV TensorFlow Numpy


  • Face Mask Detection and Attendance System is a python windows app
  • Can be used by students as well as teachers
  • The app can be used to detect mask and then give attendance in a desired class
  • The teacher can download the attendance of that class
  • ✨Magic ✨


  • Navigate to the imagesAttendance folder
  • Add your photos with the student full name and roll number as the photo name


Download the repository or

git clone https://github.com/arnabbiswasofficial07/Face-Mask-Detection-and-Attendance-System.git

Follow the steps

cd Face-Mask-Detection-and-Attendance-System
pip install requirements.txt
python app.py



Free Software, Hell Yeah!

The project was created from scratch with extreme effort

Please do star the repository