# Model the game
• create a single deck of playing cards
• two players (called Sam and the Dealer) who will play against each other
• each player is given two cards from the top of a shuffled deck of cards. Cards
are given in the following order: [sam, dealer, sam, dealer]

# Rules to implement
• determine score of a hand[1]
• check if either player has Blackjack with their initial hand and wins the game.
Blackjack is an initial score of 21 with two cards: A + [10, J, Q, K]
• sam wins when both players starts with Blackjack
• dealer wins when both players starts with 22 (A + A)
• if neither player has Blackjack then sam can start drawing cards from the top
of the deck
• sam must stop drawing cards from the deck if their total reaches 17 or higher
• sam has lost the game if their total is higher than 21
• when sam has stopped drawing cards the dealer can start drawing cards from
the top of the deck
• the dealer must stop drawing cards when their total is higher than sam.
• the dealer has lost the game if their total is higher than 21
• determine which player wins the game (highest score wins)

[1] Numbered cards are their point value. Jack, Queen and King count as 10 and Ace
counts as 11.

# Input
The game should be able to read a file containing a deck of cards, taking the
reference to the file as a command line argument, as a starting point. If no file is
provided, a new shuffled deck of 52 unique cards should be initialized.
The list is in the following format:
CA, D4, H7, SJ,..., S5, S9, D10
C: Clubs
D: Diamonds
H: Hearts
S: Spades

2: 2
3: 3
10: 10
J: Jack
Q: Queen
K: King
A: Ace

# Output
At the end, the solution should print the name of the winner to standard out, together
with the hands of both sam and the dealer. Using the following format:
sam: card1, card2,..., cardN
dealer: card1, card2,..., cardN
When supplied with the following cardlist:
CA, D5, H9, HQ, S8
The output should look like:
sam: CA, H9
dealer: D5, HQ, S8
The solution should include tests.