
:zap: A collection of resources and tutorials to design a better database schema.

Awesome Database Design Awesome

A collection of resources and tutorials to model entity relationship and design a better database schema.


I am a self taught programmer. I understand the frustation and joy of being a self taught progrmmer. I have myself spent a lot of time to just find proper resources for learning a new thing. When it comes to database design, there are not that much resources on internet. You have to collect many pieces and build your knowledge.

Over the past couple of mongths, I've accumulated bookmarks, saved stackoverflow, dbexchange posts, youtube links, Udemy courses and GitHub stars all related to schema design and entity modeling. This list is my attempt to add structure to those resources and share them. Everything you need to get started on your first database design project.

How to use this list

Some items in this list could easily fit in more than one category, so to make sure you find what you're looking for please use Ctrl + F (or Cmd + F on macOS).





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