
This package configures and extends the exercise package for typesetting examination papers.

Primary LanguageTeX

|--------:| ----------------------------------------------------------------
|exercice:| This package configures and extends the exercise package.
|  Author:| Arnaud Malapert
|  E-mail:| arnaud.malapert@univ-cotedazur.fr
| License:| Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later
|     See:| http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt

Short description:
This package configures and extends the exercise package for typesetting examination papers.
It allows to prepare two versions of the examination paper along with its correction.
The user must redefine a few commands for specifying general information about the course and the examination.
The package defines custom formatting (title, headers, margins) for the different versions of the document.
It also provides user commands for examination papers such as answer placeholders.
Last, an export command allows to easily export all versions of the document at once.