
DEPRECATED - A template and playground for my dev environment vagrant box

Primary LanguageShell

DEPRECATED - The more I use Vagrant and Docker for my development environment the more I find this repo awkward. It was practical at first to have a single Vagrant managed VM containing multiple unrelated Docker containers, but the more each individual project independently grows, the more it feels natural to put it in its own VM. This repo is now deprecated and will not be updated anymore. It was a fun experiment and helped me learn a few things about Vagrant and Docker ninjutsu.


This repository contains my development VM, which is based on Vagrant and VirtualBox.

I hate to install stuff on my machine but I love automation, idempotency and immutability.

Also I want to play with Vagrant and Docker (Ansible someday soon) but the state of Docker on Mac and Windows is not satisfying: Boot2Docker, Docker Toolbox, ... all I read is "install stuff, install stuff, install stuff".

At the moment I'm using both Ubuntu, Mac OS X and Windows 7 on a daily basis (yes, daily), and I don't want to bother installing stuff.


In order to achieve my goal of a reproducible and more or less extensible development environment, I plan to use this virtual machine as a docker containers host for projects under development.

I want to be able to work on multiple projects without installing any dependency on my host machine.

  • VirtualBox is simple to use and can be installed on all major OSs I use.
  • Docker is great for isolating apps/components.
  • Vagrant is a great wrapper for VirtualBox and Docker.

I want each individual app to be loosely coupled to this development environment.

  • The app will know nothing about its host.
  • The VM will host any app located in its apps folder.
  • The VM will follow symbolic links placed in its apps folder.

Requirement: each app must either be running in a Docker container and provisioning will be done with docker-compose, OR have a run.sh script in its home directory in order to be started by the start.sh provisioning script (more on that later).

I want to be able to run any number of projects, which will be called apps in this context, inside my environment.

  • The VM should not be tied to a given list of projects/apps, it must be as generic as possible.
  • Use a YAML configuration file to specify the Vagrantfile's job.
  • The VM will use docker-compose for provisioning apps: "generic" VM only goes so far, as I've had issues specifying ports forwarding dynamically for apps, so the config.yml and docker-compose.yml files have to know about the apps that need to be configured

I want to make use of a minimum number of technologies to glue the environment together.

  • Make use of Docker and bash for scripting for provisioning.
  • Play with Ansible someday soon.
  • Vagrant and Vagrantfile are ruby, so do not use other scripting languages for provisioning: ruby is not my cup of tea but will be OK.