
Renderer-agnostic wrappable text following the Unicode Line Breaking Algorithm

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Renderer-agnostic wrappable text following the Unicode Line Breaking Algorithm


npm install --save wrappable-text


import WrappableText from 'wrappable-text'

const text = new WrappableText('lorem ipsum…', {
  // Define a function returning the width of a string in your renderer implementation
  measure: string => string.length // default: monospace font

const width = 80
const { lines, overflow } = text.wrap(width)

for (const line of lines) {

See example/ for a HTML5 Canvas implementation with a non-monospace font.

Special characters

There are several special characters influencing the line-breaking algorithm. WrappableText constructor accepts a RegExp or string to re-define each one:

const text = new WrappableText('Lorem ipsum…', {
  br: /<br\/?>/,  // default: '\u000A'
  shy: '&shy;',   // default: '\u00AD'
  nbsp: '&nbsp;', // default: '\u00A0'
  zwsp: /&(ZeroWidthSpace|#8203|#x200B|NegativeVeryThinSpace);/, // default: '\u200B'

Non-breaking hyphen

Some situations may require hyphenated words to not break. In shuch cases, the Unicode® Standard Annex #14 recommands the use of the non-breaking hyphen character \U2011:

const text = new WrappableText(string.replace(/\u2010/g, '\u2011'))


const visuallyEmpty = new WrappableText('<br><br><br>', { br: /<br\/?>/ })
console.log(visuallyEmpty.isEmpty) // true

const longLine = new WrappableText('Lorem ipsum…')
const result = longLine.nowrap(80)
// `result` will have the same structure as WrappableText.wrap return object,
// but with the `result.lines` array containing always only one line.

Caching measures

To keep it simple, wrappable-text does not cache string measures, and let this optimization at the discretion of the measure function:

const cache = new Map()

for (let fontSize = 10; fontSize < 100; fontSize += 10) {
  const text = new WrappableText('…', {
    measure: string => {
      const K = fontSize + '_' + string
      if (cache.has(K)) return cache.get(K)

      const width = measure(string, fontSize)
      cache.set(K, width)
      return width

  render(text, fontSize)


$ npm install
$ npm run start
$ nodemon --exec ava
$ npm run build
$ npm version [major|minor|patch]


This module is based on @craigmorton’s fork of linebreak, and inspired by mattdesl/word-wrapper
