
A chess game in Java

Primary LanguageJava


A console-based chess game in Java with minimax bots to play against.

Running the Game

  1. Navigate to the chess directory if you are not already in it:
    cd chess
  2. Compile the game to the bin folder:
    javac -d bin -sourcepath src src/chess/Chess.java
  3. Run the game:
    java -cp bin chess.Chess

Playing the Game

Upon startup, you will see a menu with different types of possible players. To select a player, you can type the name or number of the player you would like to select, then press enter. You can then select the second player in the same fashion.

Once you finish selecting your players, a chessboard will appear. Empty squares will be displayed in white, squares with black pieces will be displayed in black, and squares with white pieces will be displayed in blue. Each square displays the letter abbreviation of the piece followed by the name of the square in algebraic notation (i.e. Qd1 means that there is a queen at square d1).

Note: Pawns have no notation. If a square is displayed in blue or black and does not start with
the letter abbreviation of a piece, a pawn is located on that square.

To make a move when prompted, type the algebraic notation of the starting square and press enter, then type the algebraic notation of the ending square and press enter.

Note: You must type the algebraic notation of the SQUARE, not what is displayed on the board.
For example, if you would like to move your Queen from d1 to d4, the board will display Qd1,
but you should type d1, enter, d4, enter.

If the move that you enter is not valid, you will be prompted to try again until you enter a valid move.

Once you complete your move, your opponent will move. Please be patient because this may take some time. This is especially true if you are playing against an extreme difficulty computer, which may take up to 1-3 minutes to select a move.

Our game follows the same rules as any chess game. Our game can handle castling and pawn promotion, but en passant has not been implemented yet. The game ends in either a stalemate or a checkmate.

Future Improvements

  • Improve minimax algorithm runtime through better memoization
  • Allow bots to promote pawns to pieces other than a queen
  • Implement en passant