
IOTA Tangle spammer written in Java

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


IOTA Tangle spammer written in Java WARNING! Only for legacy network. Doesn't really work with 1.5 or above.

Run Jammer

1: Download

wget https://github.com/arne-fuchs/iota-jammer/releases/download/v1.5/iota-jammer-1.5.tar.gz

2: Extract Files

tar -xvzf iota-jammer-1.5.tar.gz && cd iota-jammer-1.5

3: Run with

java -jar iota-jammer-1.5.jar

Agruments for the program:

java -jar iota-jammerXXXX.jar "address XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" EnableNodeList "threads 5"

EnableNodeList :

Uses the Nodes which are listed in the node list. For every given node there will be created a new thread, unless specified with the argument threads. If the option is deactivated the standard node in the node_config.properties will be used.



EnableJSONList :

Reads the nodes.json files and starts threads with the given parameters in the json. You can specify all parameters for every individual node in the json. If some parameters are not sepcified, the default ones will be used. You can run this with the argument EnableNodeList. In this way you can add exceptions for some nodes. The json can be build as follwed:

  "SomeNode1" : {
    "protocol" : "http",
    "host" : "somenode.url",
    "port" : 14265,
    "EnableLocalPOW" : true,
    "seed" : "some seed you may want to use",
    "address" : "anyAddress",
    "tag" : "IOTAJAMMER",
    "message" : "A cool message for your friends",
    "threads" : 1,
    "reconnect" : 100,
    "mwm" : 14,
    "depth" : 4,
    "bundlesize" : 25,
  "SomeNode2" : {
    "protocol" : "https",
    "host" : "someothercoolnode.url",
    "port" : 443,
    "threads" : 5

In the first node all parameters you can use are listed. As you can see in the second one , you don't have to specify all of the parameters. The minimum of parameters the programm needs are:
protocol (http/https), host (urltonode.com) and port (mostly 14265 or 443).

The above setting is NOT recommended and is only there to show you, what is possible



EnableLocalPOW :

Enables local proof of work for validating transactions. It is more possible to get a valid transaction if local proof of work is enabled.



Seed :

Specifys which seed should be used to validate the transactions. Can be relevant if you want to send transactions with values. The seed won't be stored anywhere. Be careful saving the seed in script as clear test, because it is then readable for everyone. If no seed is given through argument, a random seed will be created without any funds.


"seed 81CHARACTERS9SEED9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999"

address :

Specifys where the transaction should be send to. If not specified the transaction will be send to: 9FNJWLMBECSQDKHQAGDHDPXBMZFMQIMAFAUIQTDECJVGKJBKHLEBVU9TWCTPRJGYORFDSYENIQKBVSYKW9NSLGS9UW



tag :

Specifiys which tag should be used for the transactions. Default tag is IOTAJAMMER. Chars A-Z and the number 9 are allowed.


"tag YOUR9TAG"

threads :

Specifiys how many threads should be initialized for each node. Pc is able to lag if there are many threads with local proof of work enabled.


"threads 5"

reconnect :

Specifiys after how many transactions the spammer should reconnect to the node. It can improve performance for long term use. Default is 0 (without reconnect)


"reconnect 100"

mwm :

Specifiys which minimum weight magnitued should be used for the transactions. Default is 14.


"mwm 16"

depth :

Specifiys which depth should be used for the transactions. Default is 4.


"depth 4"

bundlesize :

Specifiys how many transactions you want to have in your bundle (default 1). Notice, that the "Transaction complete" message will only be shown per bundle, not per transactions in the bundle. You may notice, that you still have to do the pow for every transaction in the bundle.


"bundlesize 25"