KAuMA Pipeline

Reusable GitHub workflow for KAuMA projects at DHBW Mannheim.

Can be referenced in your own workflow (see Usage):

    uses: arne-kapell/kauma-pipeline/.github/workflows/pipeline.yml@main
      TEST_SERVER: 'https://dhbw.johannes-bauer.com/lwsub/' # optional (default: https://dhbw.johannes-bauer.com/lwsub/)
      DEFAULT_ASSIGNMENT: 'labwork01' # optional (default: labwork01)
      CONTAINER_TIMEOUT: 30 # optional (default: 30)
      IMAGE_TAG: 'master' # optional (default: nightly)
      CLIENT_ID: ${{ secrets.CLIENT_ID }} # required (can be set in your repository settings)


You just have to copy the example workflow into the .github/workflows directory of your project and adjust the sections with and secrets to your needs. (Triggers can be adjusted as well, but the example should be fine for most projects.)

IMPORTANT: Please don't forget to set your CLIENT_ID in GitHub Secrets (can be found in Repository settings)!

Current assignment

The pipeline looks for which assignment to run the container with in .current_assignment in your repository root. You can then just change its value for moving on to the next assignment (everything but the first line will be ignored). If this file can't be found/read the DEFAULT_ASSIGNMENT is used.

Past assignments (optional)

If you want to run the pipeline for past assignments, you can create a file .past_assignments in your repository root. It should contain a list of all past assignments, one per line. The pipeline will then run the container for each of these assignments as well.

Common problems

run/build scripts not executable

The pipeline checks if the scripts run and build are executable. If they aren't, it will not try to make them executable. You can do this manually by using the commands below:

git ls-files -s <run/build>
# if the output starts with something like "100644" (without the quotes), the file is not executable
git add --chmod=+x <run/build>
git ls-files -s <run/build>
# if the output starts with something like "100755" (without the quotes), the file is now executable
git commit -m "Made <run/build> executable"
git push

Don't forget to replace <run/build> with the actual file name (without the brackets)!

Container timeout

If the container times out, you can increase the timeout by setting the CONTAINER_TIMEOUT input to a higher value. The default is 30 seconds.

Useful Links


If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to open an issue, create a pull request or contact me directly.