
maplap research project

Primary LanguageMakefile


This software was developed by Studio Arne Boon for a Maplab research project about digital puppeteering. The project aims at integrating sensor technology in a puppet so that the the actor can animate not only the puppet but also the space using sounds and projections.


This project is currently under development and not production ready.


This software is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License by Studio Arne Boon.


Arduino application 1.6.1: http://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/OldSoftwareReleases
embedXcode: http://embedxcode.weebly.com/
Install Arduino in default location and use embedXcode as IDE.


Board: Arduino Mega 2560
Shield 1: Arduino Wifi Shield
Shield 2: Custom Maplab Board


Upgrade wifi shield to v1.1.0: http://www.arduino.cc/en/Hacking/WiFiShieldFirmwareUpgrading
More: http://katrinaeg.com/arduino-wifi-firmware-upgrade.html

$ cd wifishield/firmware/scripts  
$ sudo sh ArduinoWifiShield_upgrade_mac.sh -a /Applications/Arduino.app/Contents/Resources/Java -f shield  


The project uses the Arduino native SPI, WiFi and Wire libraries. And depends on ceveral external libraries that needs to be installed in your development environment. Make sure to clone into your sketchbook/libraries folder:
https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_10DOF (alternative)

In the embedXcode Makefile the libraries are linked by these lines:

USER_LIBS_LIST = Adafruit_9DOF Adafruit_L3GD20_U Adafruit_LSM303DLHC Adafruit_Sensor OSC NewPing

OSC port & ip

The WiFi module broadcasts OSC messages using the following port and ip:
port: 1234 (standard isadora)
broadcast to local router (routing

Maplab board connectors

The software works in conjunction with the custom Maplab sensorkit board that was developed for the lab. It provides an easy infrastructure for connecting sensors using industry standard JST XH connectors.


For this particulair project it makes the data of the following sensors accessible over OSC on the local network:

  • Analog Magnetic Field Sensor
  • Digital Magnetic Field Sensor
  • Sonar Distance Sensor
  • Flex bending Sensor
  • 9 Degrees of Freedom Sensor
  • Momentary Push Buttons

OSC addresses & value ranges

In the setup() function in .ino file in the root folder the OSC address listing is initiated using the following value ranges:

  • /mc/magnet/analog
  • range -100 - 100
  • /mc/magnet/digital
  • range 0, 1
  • /mc/button/1
  • range 0, 1
  • /mc/button/2
  • range 0, 1
  • /mc/button/3
  • range 0, 1
  • /mc/button/4
  • range 0, 1
  • /mc/distance
  • range 0-400 (centimeters)
  • /mc/dof/rphxyz
  • roll: range -100 - 100
  • pitch: range -100 - 100
  • heading: range 0 - 360
  • x: range -100 - 100
  • y: range -100 - 100
  • z: range -100 - 100
  • /mc/flex
  • range -100 - 100

Software Architecture

  • Config.h
  • Wifi Credentials: enter you local networks SSID and passphrase
  • Pin Layout: pin mapping of the sensors connected to the Maplab board
  • Settings: specific sensor settings such as maximum distance to read
  • puppet_001_ard.ino
  • #includes: include the sensorclasses that extend the SensorBase class
  • initialize: initialize a sensor, for instance SensorDigital myDigitalSensor
  • setup(): setup the new object myDigitalSensor
  • loop(): update the sensor each loop
  • SensorBase.h
  • Each sensorclass extends this baseclass that takes care of the common functions.
  • OSC_OUT_IP: the ip address of the receiving machine
  • OSC_OUT_PORT: the osc port on the receiving machine
  • Makefile
  • embedXcode settings
  • Sketchbook
  • Libraries: links to the libraries in your default Sketchbook/Libraries folder

Workflow for setting up a sensor

  • Connect the sensor to the Maplab board using JST connectors (Digital, Analog, I2C)
  • Config.h / WifiCredentials: enter your network configuration
char ssid[] = "MY_NETWORK_SSID";
char passphrase[] = "MY_NETWORK_PASSWORD";
  • Config.h / PinLayout: name your sensor and initialize its pin number
namespace PinLayout {
	const int8_t myAnalogSensor = A1;
  • *.ino / declaration: declare the object for you new sensor
SensorAnalog myAnalogSensor;
  • *.ino / setup(): setup your new sensor with an osc address and pin layout
myAnalogSensor.setup("/mc/"+id+"myAnalogSensor", PinLayout::myAnalogSensor, INPUT);
  • *.ino / setup(): broadcast your new sensor using OSC
  • *.ino / setup() [optional]: set and map the range for the sensor
  • *.ino / loop(): update the sensor each loop
  • Use OSCulator, Isadora, Max or any other OSC receiving program to test if the data is sent

Maplab board hardware usage

  • Connect a usb A to B cable to the Arduino Mega and a charged powerbank 5V 1A
  • Push the ON button on the powerbank, the Arduino Mega will boot and its onboard power led turns on
  • The wifishield takes 10 seconds to find and connect to the network listed in the Config.h file
  • When the connection is succesfull the status led on the Maplab board will turn on and OSC sensor data is broadcasted
  • Verify the OSC sensor data is sent using an OSC client such as OSCulator, MaxMsp, Isadora
  • A fully charged powerbank of 2000 mAh provides the device an expected runtime of 6 hours
  • To turn off the device, just unplug the usb cable from the powerbank


  • If the status led does not turn on after 10 seconds:
  • check the Config.h file for correct wifi credentials
  • check if the powerbank is charged
  • If no OSC data is received in the OSC client:
  • check if the powerbank is charged
  • check if the device is powered on
  • check if the status led is turned on
  • check if your host computer is on the same wifi network as the network the device connects to
  • check if the Config.h file has correct wifi credentials
  • check the OSC port number