
Simple implementation of Mu-Recursive (or µ-recursive) functions in haskell, with the calculation steps logged.

Primary LanguageHaskell

Haskell Mu Recursion

This project aims to clear headache of understanding how mu-recursive calculation works. Mu-Recursive programs can be written by composition of the pre-defined operators.

Namely, these are:



The null function takes a number of arguments and always yields 0.

null :: Int -> Mu

The successor function takes exactly one argument and always yields the successor.

succ :: Mu



The Projection Operator is constructed by supplying a positive number indicating how many parameters it will receive, and a positive number indicating which parameter to project onto.

proj :: Int -> Int -> Mu

Intuitively it is a selection operator, where the first argument (k) specifies what size of tuple it receives and the second argument (i) specifying which element of the tuple to select.



Mu-Recursive Programs can be composed to yield more complex structures. In Haskell this can be used:

(<@>) :: Mu -> [Mu] -> Mu

With the aforementioned null and succ functions, we can now declare a constant one function.

one :: Mu
one = succ <@> [null 0]

In this example, the succ is composed with the null 0 function, such that the resulting function retrieves 0 parameters.

Primitive Recursion

Primitive recursion is a concept that ressembles an always-terminating loop - like your classic for-loop in imperative languages. The accompanying operator is:

pr :: Mu -> Mu -> Mu

Where the first argument can be thought of as the initialization of your iteration, or the base-case in a recursive program. The second argument is the Program that formulates the recursion step. It always receives the previous result as its first argument and the iteration-variable as its last argument.

With this operator we can now define addition and multiplication of two numbers:

add :: Mu
add = pr(proj 1 1, succ <@> [proj 3 1])

mult :: Mu
mult = pr(null 1, add <@> [proj 3 1, proj 3 2])

While most problems can be solved using primitive recursion, there are some that can only be solved with mu recursion. Think of mu-recursion as a stateful while loop that brute-forcefully finds the smallest number by incrementing a variable parameter such that a function yields 0, returning you the number of steps this took.

Note that µ-Recursion is a partial function and may not terminate, if no parameter makes the brute-forced function return 0.

To brute-force the smallest argument that makes a function return 0, you can use the Mu operator:

µ :: Mu -> Mu

Running the Programs

The function runMuIO is defined as this:

runMuIO :: Mu -> [Int] -> IO ()

it receives a Mu-Recursive function and a list of arguments to supply to it - then it prints the Result along with the calculation steps to your Terminal buffer. This function is very useful for illustrating how a Mu-recursive function operates.

Alongside, there is

runMu :: Mu -> [Int] -> Either String (String,Int)

It does the same as runMuIO, without printing to your terminal. If it returns Left, then an error has occured running your mu-recursive function. If it returns Right, the first element of the tuple is the string-log of calculation steps and the second element is the numerical result of the function evaluation.

Tinkering with µ-recursion

To immediately start tinkering with this project, your best bet would be to first clone the github repository and then enter the interactive shell with stack repl, which will load src/Main.hs into your interactive shell.

Heres an example of evaluation the add function with parameters 2 and 3 in ghci:

*Main MuRecursion> runMuIO (add) [2,3]
pr(2, 3)
| pr(2, 2)
| | pr(2, 1)
| | | proj_{1 -> 1}(2)
| | | =2
| | compose(2, 2, 0)
| | # proj_{3 -> 1}(2, 2, 0)
| | # =2
| | succ(2)
| | =3
| compose(3, 2, 1)
| # proj_{3 -> 1}(3, 2, 1)
| # =3
| succ(3)
| =4
compose(4, 2, 2)
# proj_{3 -> 1}(4, 2, 2)
# =4
Result is 5