
This repository was the one I used during my Supercharged OpenAPI session done during the Manning Live API Conference.

Primary LanguageHTML

Supercharged OpenAPI Session Repository

This repository was the one I used during my Supercharged OpenAPI session done during the Manning Live API Conference.

Tools used/shown during the session

The magic behind what you've seen

Before starting to talk, I:

  • Open this repo with VS Code
  • Start a live server listening to change (it runs on http://localhost:5500)
  • Run the task "Reset Step"
  • Start OBS

Then while I'm talking and modifying the motu.yaml file, I regularly hit ctrlm to:

All the files are loaded from the steps sub-folders that contains index.html, todo.html and motu.yaml files for each step.

And I heavily use code snippets to avoid loosing time typing too much.

VS Code Configuration


Note that all this has been done in a rush, it could certainly be better done and optimized, but it worked 😅. The hard coded steps folder and html files were a pain to modify (I had to remove some steps to shorten the session's length) and the bash scripting in full of copy/paste.

VS Code Extensions

  • Live Server: To serve the index and todo file and magically reload them when they are modified by next, previous, reset ou reload scripts
  • Synthwave x Fluoromachine: The shiny-neon VS Code theme used during the session (I also reused this theme's CSS for the HTML index and todo files). This theme is supposed to be loaded automatically thanks to the .vscode/settings.json configuration file.
  • Custom CSS and JS Loader: Needed by Synthwave x Fluoromachine theme

Shell scripts and VS Code Tasks

The .vscode/tasks.json file defines the following actions (all relying and shell scripts located in steps):

Task Script triggered Description
Go to step steps/go.sh $step Copy steps/step-{$step} content to root level (does nothing if step doesn't exist). The $step can be either a number or the step's name coming from the todo.html files, "More accurate data description (4/15)" for instance. The tasks shows the list of available steps (hardcoded in tasks.json file)
Next step steps/next.sh Copy steps/step-{current step + 1} content to root level (does nothing if step doesn't exist)
Previous step steps/previous.sh Copy steps/step-{current step - 1} content to root level (does nothing if step doesn't exist)
Reload step steps/reload.sh Copy steps/step-{current step} content to root level (useful to check modifications done on current step)
Reset step steps/reset.sh Copy steps/reset content to root level (to restart from the beginning)
Clean before commit steps/clean.sh Remove index.css, index.html, todo.html, motu.yaml files from root folder

The "current step" is tracked in the steps/current.txt file (it is created if it doesn't exist).

Open VS command palette with P (MacOs) or ctrlP (Windows) and choose Tasks: Run task, then choose the one you need.

VS Code Keyboard shortcuts

Tasks can be bind to keyboard shortcuts. Note that as in VS Code, keyboard shortcuts can only be defined globally, the .vscode/keybindings.json file content should be copied the global configuration (show it with ). To show shortcuts configuration use KS (MacOs) or ctrlKctrlS (Windows), then click on the file icon on top right corner to see the json content of this configuration.

Key binding Task triggered
ctrlm Next step
ctrlaltm Previous step

VS Code Snippets

In order to avoid loosing time typing too much, I used custom made snippets. They're defined in .vscode/supercharged-openapi.code-snippets.

VS Code Window Title

The .vscode/settings.json sets the VS Code window title to "Supercharged OpenAPI". I did that to keep OBS display capture crop configuration simple (focus on a specific window based on its title)