
This project contains a sample web application for the collaboration among students, teachers and schools.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT



This project contains a sample web application for the collaboration among students, teachers and schools. As a sample it only contains the backend part of the web application.

How to use


The project code might be used in various environments after some sort of tweaking but it has been tested in a specific environment. The following tools has been used in the test environment:

  • Programming IDE: Visual Studio 2015
  • Programming Framework: ASP.NET 4.5 (MVC is preferable but Web Forms should work just fine)
  • Database Tool:
    • Oracle Database 12c with Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio
    • Navicat (optional, just needed to redesign the ERD of the database)

Database Configuration

  • Configure: Please refer to Database/_Readme.txt file to install or uninstall database configuration.
  • Edit: You can directly edit the database scripts in Database/Scripts folder. But for convenience, please open Database/Schoolerics.ndm file with Navicat and edit the database within the app.

Run Project

After performing the above, you can run easily the project. Please do the followings to run the project:

  • Open Schoolerics.sln with Visual Studio 2015.
  • Add a new ASP.NET project to the solution. You can use either MVC or Web Forms but MVC is preferable.
  • Add some code to integrate with Schoolerics.Models. Please refer to Code Overview section for more details.

Code Overview

Data Connector (Schoolerics.Models/DataConnector/DataAccessLayer.cs)

It connects the other parts of this project with Oracle database. Cool thing is: the data connector alone can be used in other projects for the same purpose. In this case, you just need to remove the references of Schoolerics and all should be fine.

User Authorization (Schoolerics.Models/Controller/UserAuthorization.cs)

To sign up, login or logout, you need the code. All the methods of UserAuthorization have their own documentations, though method names are self-explanatory.

Account (Schoolerics.Models/Controller/Account)

There are 3 types of account: (1) Student, (2) Teacher and (3) School. Most of the methods have their own documentations, though method names are self-explanatory.

Encryption (Schoolerics.Models/Utility/Encryption.cs)

It has been used in store encrypted passwords in the database. But using it, you may encrypt other things.



  • First only basic login info and then details as the following:
    • As student (school, class info added by school account)
    • As teacher (school info added by school account)
    • As school/headmaster/admin

For student

  • View own profile
  • Edit address, contact
  • View school, class info
  • View enrolled courses
  • View exam routine
  • View offline exam results

For teacher

  • View own profile
  • Edit contact
  • View school info
  • View enrolled courses
  • Set exam routine
  • Set offline exam results

For school/headmaster/admin

  • View own profile (school)
  • Edit address, contact, description, Url for school
  • Assign class course enrolment
  • Assign students in school
  • Assign teachers in school
  • Assign student, course, class enrolment
  • Assign teacher, course enrolment