
This is an example boilerplate project for a PySpark Project setup

Primary LanguagePython

PySpark example

Test Build

NOTE: This is an example boilerplate project for a PySpark Project setup


  • S3 Setup with Minio
  • DeltaLake ( https://delta.io/ ) including dependencies setup
  • tests ( running in Github Actions and Local )
  • mypy
  • black
  • linting
  • unit test coverage reporting



  • Java 1.8
  • Linux or MacOS
  • pyenv or Python 3.7
  • docker

Getting started

  1. make the virtualenv
make venv
  1. init the dependencies
source .venv/bin/activate
make init-deps-dev
  1. init the minio s3 container
make test-containers
  1. run the tests
make test

Directory Layout

├── Makefile                --> GNU Makefile with all commands
├── README.md               --> This file
├── requirements-dev.txt    --> Development requirements
├── requirements.txt        --> Main Requirements
├── src                     --> Directory with python src 
│   └── example             --> example python package
│       ├── __init__.py     --> package init file
│       └── main.py         --> file with main code
└── tests                   --> directory with python tests
    ├── s3                  --> directory with S3 testing
    │   └── test_s3.py      --> test file for s3 type of actions
    ├── simple              --> directory with a simple test
    │   └── test_simple.py  --> test file with a simple test
    └── testdata            --> testdata directory
        └── creditcard.csv.zip  --> testdata set from Kaggle https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/mlg-ulb/creditcardfraud