
use custom tags to simplify the write of your HTML pages

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Create html components from templates in a simple way

NPM 8 mandatory

This package use the overrides propertie available in NPM 8. Please update your NPM version to 8.x or higher if you want to use this package.

Getting Started

Install the module with: npm install html-components --save-dev

var HtmlComponents = require("html-components");
var htmlComponent = new HtmlComponents({
  componentsFolder: "components",



All methods are described here : lib/html-components.js


  • Create a component into the components folder components/mycomp.hbs
<div class="mycomp">

    {{#if attr2}}
        <span>I am another attribute : {{attr2}}

Use it in a html page

<!DOCTYPE html>

<mycomp myattr="custom attribute">
        I can also use the attribute<br> with html or another custom html <strong>components</strong>


Result :

<!DOCTYPE html>

<div class="mycomp">xwxx
    custom attribute

    <span>I am another attribute : I can also use the attribute<br> with html or another custom html <strong>components</strong>




In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.

Todo list

  • BUG : if component file is call "line.hbs", it doesn't work
  • TODO : add possibility to create data-dummy and data-foo object in addition to the data object. example : become an object data-dummy and a string if necessary
  • TODO : add cache for templates
  • TODO : extract handlebars as a plugin
  • TODO : manage boolean attributes (if attribute="false" or attribute="true" become boolean)
  • TODO : manage single attributes like
  • TODO : add option to remove empty lines when there are more than 2 lines
  • TODO : add option for template language (possibility to replace handlebars by another template engine)
  • TODO : check if code formatting can be added easily
  • TODO : documentation


Copyright (c) 2014 Arnaud Gueras
Licensed under the MIT license.