
Code for paper "Reusing Convolutional Activations from Frame to Frame to Speed up Learning and Inference"

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Code for paper "Reusing Convolutional Activations from Frame to Frame to Speed up Learning and Inference"


Andrej Karpathy for main training loop
Pytorch contributors REINFORCE functions select_action() and updade_policy()/finish_episode()

Results - Atari

Results are averaged over 10 runs. The policy network used for the experiments consists of 2 convolutional layer followed by a dense layer.

Inference: time to run 3000 steps (in seconds), grayscale, downsampled by a factor of 4 in each dimension

Number of filters in convolutional layers one and two: 20/40 ID4_20_40

Number of filters in convolutional layers one and two: 40/80 ID4_40_80

Number of filters in convolutional layers one and two: 80/160 ID4_80_160

Inference: time to run 3000 steps (in seconds), grayscale, downsampled by a factor of 2 in each dimension

Number of filters in convolutional layers one and two: 20/40 ID2_20_40

Number of filters in convolutional layers one and two: 40/80 ID2_40_80

Number of filters in convolutional layers one and two: 80/160 ID2_80_160

Training: time to run 3000 steps (in seconds), grayscale, downsampled by a factor of 4 in each dimension

Number of filters in convolutional layers one and two: 20/40 TD4_20_40

Number of filters in convolutional layers one and two: 40/80 TD4_40_80

Number of filters in convolutional layers one and two: 80/160 TD4_80_160

Training: time to run 3000 steps (in seconds), grayscale, downsampled by a factor of 2 in each dimension

Number of filters in convolutional layers one and two: 20/40 TD2_20_40

Number of filters in convolutional layers one and two: 40/80 TD2_40_80

Requirments to Run

jupyter notebook is required to view and run the notebooks in the root directory, but is not required for running performance tests.


To rerun tests (with modification):

Editing number of filters in each layer: Download the repo, and edit the bash scripts located in each subfolder (e.g. "reusing_convolutions/performance_tests/INFERENCE_D2/REUSE_CPU/run_performance_tests_2_layers_1.sh"). You can run those tests individually or run them all at once from the parent directory.

Editing architecture further and other options: Download the repo, and edit the python file located in each subfolder (e.g. "reusing_convolutions/performance_tests/INFERENCE_D2/REUSE_CPU/test_atari_2_layer_reuse_cpu.py").

To rerun tests (without modification):

Download the repo, and run the bash script in each experiment category directory (e.g. "reusing_convolutions/tree/master/performance_tests/INFERENCE_D2/run_tests.sh")
Alternatively, to run specific tests, you can edit and run scripts in the subfolders.