
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Arnold's Kitten Trivia Game


The trivia questions can be found here:


Heroku Link:


Since I strayed so far from the orignal homework assignment in my previous assingment, I wanted to play it closer to the homework assignment this time. I built a simple trivia game with a timer, it counts the number of questions the player gets right and wrong. I really like how the game is turning out. It's super cute and has a lot of personality I feel. I want to add some more cat pictures and little cat styles.

For the game I started with building a very simple array with some object questions in it. I made sure that I could loop through the array and have all the multiple choice answers would print out first. I also stored the correct answer as a number that coresponds to the index of the multiple choice answers. The system keeps track of which question the user is on, the question count number is actually dynamically generated from the JS.

The nice thing about doing the questions this way is that I can add questions and answers at will. I can add any number of questions. I can also change the number of answers. If I ever need to I can also repurpose the code to make a quiz about something different.

I feel very conflicted about the "next" button. The next button is now offset and not in the box that appears after you answer, telling you if you've answered it correctly or not. It was a carry over from when I didn't stlye it yet but when I started to style the page I found that I really liked the button placement. I've heard from several people that they don't like the placement. I feel like I should change it but I also don't want to. I will think on this a little more.

As for the fonts I used, I found 2 different fonts that I felt were very playful. One of them was less ledgible than the other one so I used the ledgible one for all the places that the player actually needs to read and understand and the less ledgible font for everything else. It's kind of a strange mix but I really like how it turned out.

The wall paper I found online. There was a choice of 2 wall papers but I decided on this one.