
A docker-compose project for building develop-environment.

Primary LanguageShell


A docker-compose project for quickly building develop environment. At present, only nginx+php+postgres+redis environment is supported. Other environments may be added one after another.


|- config/                 # All services` configuration files.
|    |- nginx/
|    |...
|- env/                    # Custom services` data, images and logs.
|    |- data/
|    |- images/
|    |- logs/
|- etc/
|    |- other-compose.yml  # Other environment startup files, following docker-compose syntax.
|- src/                    # Application source code
|    |- http/
|    |- https/
|    |- yourAppSrc/
|- docker-compose.yml      # Default Environment startup file, following docker-compose syntax.
|- init.sh                 # Initialization script, responsible for removing old unused containers
|                          # and performing some initialization operations on the application, such as migrating the database.

Replace conf file

  • /config/redis/redis.conf.example -> /config/redis/redis.conf
  • /init.sh.example -> /init.sh
  • /config/nginx/server/http.conf.example -> /config/nginx/server/http.conf