
Home-Assistant SIP Gateway

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

logo ha-sip

Home Assistant SIP/VoIP Gateway is a Home Assistant add-on which

  • allows the dialing and hanging up of phone numbers through a SIP end-point
  • triggering of services through dial tones (DTMF) after the call was established.
  • listens for incoming calls and can trigger actions through a web-hook (the call is not picked up)
  • accepting calls (optionally filtered by number)
  • handle PIN input before triggering actions
  • send DTMF digits to an established call (incoming or outgoing)


Open your Home Assistant instance and show the add add-on repository dialog with a specific repository URL pre-filled.

This add-on is for the Home Assistant OS or supervised installation methods mentioned in https://www.home-assistant.io/installation/. With that in place you can install this third-party plug-in like described in https://www.home-assistant.io/common-tasks/os#installing-third-party-add-ons. The repository URL is https://github.com/arnonym/ha-plugins.

Note: Alternatively you can run ha-sip in a stand-alone mode (for Home Assistant Container installations). In that mode the communication to ha-sip will be handled by MQTT. You can find the installation steps at the end of this document.

After that you need to configure your SIP account(s), TTS parameters and webhook ID. The default configuration looks like this:

    port: 5060
    log_level: 5 # log level of pjsip library
    name_server: '' # comma separated list of name servers, must be set if sip server must be resolved via SRV record
    cache_dir: '/config/audio_cache' # directory to cache TTS messages or converted audio files. Must be inside /config and existing
    enabled: true
    registrar_uri: sip:fritz.box
    id_uri: sip:homeassistant@fritz.box
    realm: '*'
    user_name: homeassistant
    password: secure
    answer_mode: listen  # "listen" or "accept", see below
    settle_time: 1 # time to wait for playing the message/actions/etc. after call was established
    incoming_call_file: "" # config and menu definition file for incoming calls, see below
    enabled: false
    registrar_uri: sip:fritz.box
    id_uri: sip:anotheruser@fritz.box
    realm: '*'
    user_name: anotheruser
    password: secret
    answer_mode: listen
    settle_time: 1
    incoming_call_file: ""
    platform: google_translate
    language: en # might also be in en-US format, depending on the platform
    id: sip_call_webhook_id

Note: When your user_name or password starts with a number, you need to put it in quotes like "1234".


Outgoing calls

Outgoing calls are made via the hassio.addon_stdin service in the action part of an automation. To be able to enter the full command, you must switch to YAML mode by clicking on the menu with the triple dot and selecting Edit in YAML.

You can use dial and hangup with the hassio.addon_stdin service to control outgoing calls in an action in your automation:

service: hassio.addon_stdin
    addon: c7744bff_ha-sip
        command: dial
        number: sip:**620@fritz.box # number to call. Format depends on your SIP provider, 
                                    # but might look like 'sip:+49123456789@fritz.box' for external calls
        webhook_to_call_after_call_was_established: another_webhook_id # web-hook id which you can listen on in your actions (deprecated)
        webhook_to_call: # web-hook IDs which you can listen on in your actions (additional to the global web-hook)
            ring_timeout: another_webhook_id # can be all the same, or different
            call_established: another_webhook_id
            entered_menu: another_webhook_id
            timeout: another_webhook_id  # is called after the given time-out on a menu is reached
            dtmf_digit: another_webhook_id # is called when the calling party sends a DTMF tone
            call_disconnected: another_webhook_id
            playback_done: another_webhook_id # is called after playback of message or audio file is done
        ring_timeout: 15 # time to ring in seconds (optional, defaults to 300)
        sip_account: 1 # number of configured sip account: 1 or 2 
                       # (optional, defaults to first enabled sip account)
            message: There's a burglar in da house.

If there is already an outgoing call to the same number active, the request will be ignored.

To hang up the call again:

service: hassio.addon_stdin
    addon: c7744bff_ha-sip
        command: hangup
        number: sip:**620@fritz.box

To send DTMF digits to an established call:

service: hassio.addon_stdin
    addon: c7744bff_ha-sip
        command: send_dtmf
        number: sip:**620@fritz.box
        digits: "123#"
        method: in_band # method can be "in_band" (default), "rfc2833" or "sip_info"

Note: When using a # digit, you need to put the whole sequence in quotes, eg. "#5".

Warning You can't use the post_action with send_dtmf because I don't see a way to know when PJSIP is done sending the tones.

To transfer a call to a different SIP URI:

service: hassio.addon_stdin
    addon: c7744bff_ha-sip
        command: transfer
        number: sip:**620@fritz.box
        transfer_to: sip:**623@fritz.box

To bridge the audio streams of two active calls:

service: hassio.addon_stdin
    addon: c7744bff_ha-sip
        command: bridge_audio
        number: sip:**620@fritz.box
        bridge_to: sip:**623@fritz.box

To play a message through TTS

service: hassio.addon_stdin
    addon: c7744bff_ha-sip
        command: play_message
        number: sip:**620@fritz.box
        message: hello!
        tts_language: en
        cache_audio: true # If message should be cached in `cache_dir`. 
                          # Defaults to false. `cache_dir` must be configured in ha-sip config.
                          # Don't enable this for dynamic messages, you'll just fill your storage.
        wait_for_audio_to_finish: true # Do not accept DTMF tones until the message has been played

To play an audio file

service: hassio.addon_stdin
    addon: c7744bff_ha-sip
        command: play_audio_file
        number: sip:**620@fritz.box
        audio_file: '/config/audio/welcome.mp3'
        cache_audio: true # If converted file should be cached in `cache_dir`. 
                          # Defaults to false. `cache_dir` must be configured in ha-sip config
        wait_for_audio_to_finish: true # Do not accept DTMF tones until the audio file has been played

To stop audio playback (both audio file and message):

service: hassio.addon_stdin
    addon: c7744bff_ha-sip
        command: stop_playback
        number: sip:**620@fritz.box

Incoming calls

Listen mode

In listen mode no call will be answered (picked up) but you can trigger an automation through a Webhook trigger for every incoming call. The webhook ID must match the ID set in the configuration.

You can get the caller from {{trigger.json.caller}} or {{trigger.json.parsed_caller}} for usage in e.g. the action of your automation. If you also use the menu ID webhook you also need to check for {{ trigger.json.event == "incoming_call" }} e.g. in a "Choose" action type.

Example of "incoming call" webhook message:

    "event": "incoming_call",
    "caller": "<sip:5551234456@fritz.box>",
    "parsed_caller": "5551234456",
    "sip_account": 1

You can also answer an incoming call from home assistant by using the hassio.addon_stdin service:

service: hassio.addon_stdin
    addon: c7744bff_ha-sip
        command: answer
        number: "5551234456" # if this is unclear, you can look that up in the logs ("Registering call with id <number>")
          message: Bye
          post_action: hangup

If you don't provide a menu the menu from incoming_call_file will be used.

Accept mode

In accept mode you can additionally make ha-sip to accept the call. For this you can define a menu per SIP account. Put a config file into your /config directory of your home-assistant installation (e.g. use the samba add-on to access that directory).

Example content of /config/sip-1-incoming.yaml:

allowed_numbers: # list of numbers which will be answered. If removed all numbers will be accepted
    - "5551234456"
    - "5559876543"
    - "555{*}" # matches every number starting with 555
    - "555{?}" # matches every number starting with 555 which is 4 digits long
# blocked_numbers: # alternatively you can specify the numbers not to be answered. You can't have both.
#    - "5551234456"
#    - "5559876543"
answer_after: 0 # time in seconds after the call is answered (optional, defaults to 0)
webhook_to_call: # web-hook IDs which you can listen on in your actions (additional to the global web-hook)
    call_established: another_webhook_id # can be all the same, or different
    entered_menu: another_webhook_id
    dtmf_digit: another_webhook_id
    call_disconnected: another_webhook_id
    message: Please enter your access code
    choices_are_pin: true
            id: owner
            message: Welcome beautiful.
            post_action: hangup
            id: maintenance
            message: Your entrance has been logged.
            post_action: hangup
            id: wrong_code
            message: Wrong code, please try again
            post_action: return

After that you set incoming_call_file in the add-on configuration to /config/sip-1-incoming.yaml.

Call menu definition

used for incoming and outgoing calls.

    id: main # If "id" is present, a message will be sent via webhook (entered_menu), see below (optional)
    message: Please enter your access code # the message to be played via TTS (optional, defaults to empty)
    language: en # TTS language (optional, defaults to the global language from add-on config)
    choices_are_pin: true # If the choices should be handled like PINs (optional, defaults to false)
    timeout: 10 # time in seconds before "timeout" choice is triggered (optional, defaults to 300)
    post_action: noop # this action will be triggered after the message was played. Can be 
                      # "noop" (do nothing), 
                      # "return <level>" (makes only sense in a sub-menu, returns <level> levels, defaults to 1), 
                      # "hangup" (hang-up the call) and
                      # "repeat_message" (repeat the message until the time-out is reached)
                      # "jump <menu-id>" (jumps to menu with id <menu-id>)
                      # (optional, defaults to noop)
    action: # action to run when menu was entered (before playing the message) (optional)
        # For details visit https://developers.home-assistant.io/docs/api/rest/, POST on /api/services/<domain>/<service>
        domain: switch # home-assistant domain
        service: turn_on # home-assistant service
        entity_id: switch.open_front_door # home assistant entity
    choices: # the list of actions available through DTMF (optional)
        '1234': # DTMF sequence, and definition of a sub-menu
            id: owner # same as above, also any other option from above can be used in this sub-menu
            message: Welcome beautiful.
            cache_audio: true # If message should be cached in `cache_dir`. 
                              # Defaults to false. `cache_dir` must be configured in ha-sip config.
                              # Don't enable this for dynamic messages, you'll just fill your storage.
            wait_for_audio_to_finish: true # Do not accept DTMF tones until the message/audio file has been played
            post_action: hangup 
            id: maintenance
            message: Your entrance has been logged.
            post_action: hangup
            audio_file: '/config/audio/welcome.mp3' # audio file to be played (.wav or .mp3).
            post_action: jump owner # jump to menu id 'owner'
        'default': # this will be triggered if the input does not match any specified choice
            id: wrong_code
            message: Wrong code, please try again
            post_action: return
        'timeout': # this will be triggered when there is no input 
            id: timeout
            message: Bye.
            post_action: hangup

Note: The audio files need to reside in your home-assistant config directory, as this is the only directory accessible inside the add-on.


For most events in ha-sip there's a web-hook triggered:


    "event": "incoming_call",
    "caller": "<sip:5551234456@fritz.box>",
    "parsed_caller": "5551234456",
    "sip_account": 1


    "event": "call_established",
    "caller": "<sip:5551234456@fritz.box>",
    "parsed_caller": "5551234456",
    "sip_account": 1


    "event": "entered_menu",
    "caller": "<sip:5551234456@fritz.box>",
    "parsed_caller": "5551234456",
    "menu_id": "owner",
    "sip_account": 1


    "event": "dtmf_digit",
    "caller": "<sip:5551234456@fritz.box>",
    "parsed_caller": "5551234456",
    "digit": "1",
    "sip_account": 1


    "event": "call_disconnected",
    "caller": "<sip:5551234456@fritz.box>",
    "parsed_caller": "5551234456",
    "sip_account": 1

playback_done for message (TTS)

    "event": "playback_done",
    "caller": "<sip:5551234456@fritz.box>",
    "parsed_caller": "5551234456",
    "sip_account": 1,
    "type": "message",
    "message": "message that has been played"

playback_done for audio file

    "event": "playback_done",
    "caller": "<sip:5551234456@fritz.box>",
    "parsed_caller": "5551234456",
    "sip_account": 1,
    "type": "audio_file",
    "audio_file": "/config/audio/welcome.mp3"


    "event": "ring_timeout",
    "caller": "<sip:5551234456@fritz.box>",
    "parsed_caller": "5551234456",
    "sip_account": 1


    "event": "timeout",
    "caller": "<sip:5551234456@fritz.box>",
    "parsed_caller": "5551234456",
    "sip_account": 1,
    "menu_id": "main"


Trigger services through DTMF on an outgoing call

service: hassio.addon_stdin
    addon: c7744bff_ha-sip
        command: dial
        number: sip:**620@fritz.box
            message: Press one to open the door, two to turn on light outside, three to play music
                    message: Door has been opened
                        domain: switch
                        service: turn_on
                        entity_id: switch.open_front_door
                    message: Light outside has been switched on
                        domain: light
                        service: turn_on
                        entity_id: light.outside
                    message: Play music
                        domain: script
                        service: turn_on
                        entity_id: script.play_music_please
                            song: 'Never gonna give you up'

Play a message without DTMF interaction on sip account 1

service: hassio.addon_stdin
    addon: c7744bff_ha-sip
        command: dial
        number: sip:**620@fritz.box
        ring_timeout: 15
        sip_account: 1
        message: There's a burglar in da house.

Use PIN protection on outgoing call

service: hassio.addon_stdin
    addon: c7744bff_ha-sip
        command: dial
        number: sip:**620@fritz.box
            message: Please enter your access code
            choices_are_pin: true
            timeout: 10
                    id: owner
                    message: Welcome beautiful.
                    post_action: hangup
                    id: maintenance
                    message: Your entrance has been logged.
                    post_action: hangup
                    id: wrong_code
                    message: Wrong code, please try again
                    post_action: return
                    id: timeout
                    message: Bye.
                    post_action: hangup

All the examples are working also for incoming calls when you copy the menu part into your incoming configuration yaml.


The first place to look is the log of the ha-sip add-on. There you can see individual SIP messages and the logs of ha-sip itself (prefixed with "|").

Example use-cases

One automation with the dial command when the doorbell was rung, and a second with hangup when the front door was opened, so I do not need to answer the call when not necessary.

I would like to hear from you in which scenario you are using ha-sip!


  1. Create a virtual environment with pjsip and dependencies installed running ./build.sh create-venv from the root directory of the repo

  2. Activate virtual env with source venv/bin/activate (bash, might be different with other shells)

  3. Copy .env.example to .env and replace the variable place-holders with your real configuration.

    HA_BASE_URL is something like "http://homeassistant.local:8123/api"

    The access token is created from http://homeassistant.local:8123/profile

  4. Run ./build.sh run-local to run the add-on locally

  5. Paste commands as json (without line-breaks) into stdin of the running add-on:


    { "command": "dial", "number": "sip:**620@fritz.box", "menu": { "message": "Hello from ha-sip.", "language": "en" } }

Stand-alone mode

The stand-alone mode can be used if you run home assistant in a docker environment and you don't have access to the hassio.addon_stdin service. Instead of stdin - MQTT will be used for communication.

  1. Follow the instructions from home assistant to set up a working MQTT broker and install the MQTT integration MQTT Broker

  2. Copy .env.example to .env and replace the variable place-holders with your real configuration.

  3. Make sure you switched the COMMAND_SOURCE in your .env file from "stdin" to "mqtt" and set the BROKER_* variables to connect to your MQTT broker address

  4. Install docker compose plugin

  5. Run docker compose up -d in the main folder of the application to run the ha-sip service

  6. Now you can use the mqtt.publish service in home assistant to send commands as json to the hasip/execute topic from your automations


     service: mqtt.publish
         payload: >-
             { "command": "dial", "number": "sip:**620@fritz.box", "menu": { "message": "Hello from ha-sip.", "language": "en" } }
         topic: hasip/execute

If you need to run the service on another architecture different from amd64, you need to change the BUILD_FROM variable in docker-compose.yaml. Available architectures are:

  • homeassistant/aarch64-base-python
  • homeassistant/armhf-base-python
  • homeassistant/armv7-base-python
  • homeassistant/i386-base-python