
I/O libraries for Scala

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Rapture I/O

Version 0.7.2 (beta) for Scala 2.10.0

Rapture is a general purpose I/O library for Scala.


Rapture I/O can be compiled the "low-tech" way using a few familiar commands, or you can use the "high-tech" rapture-build Makefile, which can simplify the compilation and development process.

Whilst the first option requires more steps to complete, developers should already be very familiar with the commands used in each step. The second option should be less effort, though the automation comes at the expense of transparency.

Low-tech Compilation

Using Scala 2.10.0 (or later), compile Rapture I/O as follows:

    mkdir rapture
    cd rapture
    git clone https://github.com/propensive/rapture-test.git test
    cd test
    mkdir bin
    scalac -d bin src/*.scala
    jar cf test.jar -C bin rapture
    cd ..
    git clone https://github.com/propensive/rapture-io.git io
    cd io
    mkdir bin
    scalac -cp ../test/test.jar -d bin src/*.scala
    jar cf io.jar -C bin rapture

To use Rapture I/O in your own projects, just include io.jar on your classpath and import rapture.io._.

High-tech Compilation

First, clone the git rapture-build and rapture-io repositories:

    git clone https://github.com/propensive/rapture-build.git rapture.io/build
    git clone https://github.com/propensive/rapture-io.git rapture.io/io

Then change into the rapture-io directory, and create the development environment. This will download the correct version of Scala, and other development dependencies.

    cd rapture.io/io
    make environment
    make fetch

Finally, to build rapture-io.jar just type


You can then use Rapture I/O in your own projects by including io.jar on your classpath, and importing rapture.io._. You can experiment using the Scala REPL using

    make console