
Javascript wrapper for calling ServiceNow REST API

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Javascript wrapper for calling ServiceNow REST API. Acts as an alternative for simple GlideAjax requests, reuquiering no server side code (script include).


Generate URL

to build the URL string use function


Execute request

To do a actual call to the current instance use restRequest(inpObj, callback)


restRequest({"table":"change_request","limit":2,"query":"active=true"}, function(resp){ 

This will dump the last 2 changes as JSON to the console. Documentation will be expanded soon...

inpObj definition

Key Shortcut Type Default Description
url u string "" Instance base url default empty when used in current instance
api a string "api/now/table/" Endpoint of API to use (currently only table API is supported)
table t string "incident" Table or DB view to perform the operation on
fields f string "" A comma-separated list of fields to return in the response (all when empty)
view v string "" Render the response according to the specified UI view (overridden by fields)
query q string "sys_id={0}" An encoded query string used to filter the results
values vals array [] Values to replace in query ex: ['yes','maybe'] will replace
answer={0}^answer={1} to answer=yes^answer=maybe
order o string "!sys_updated_on" Comma separated list of fields to order results by, to order descendant, preceed the field with a ! sign.
limit l int 10 The maximum number of results returned per page
displayValue d string all Return the display value (true), actual value (false), or both (all) for reference fields
excludeReferenceLink e bool true true to exclude Table API links for reference fields
suppressPaginationHeader s bool true true to supress pagination header

Usage example

The following example can be used in a client script. This example can be used to set the location of an incident, after a CI is selected, based on the location of this CI.

		var loc = resp[0].location;

To use this the script has to be available as a global UI script. Benefit is you only need a few lines of client-side code, no server-side Script Include AbstractAjaxProcessor is needed :)