
Homebrew for WeThinkCode

Primary LanguageShell

WTC Homebrew Fix

This script installs Homebrew properly in your home on your 42 session.

It fixes the flock issue due to NFS mount of your home directory.

It will also move all temporary Homebrew data (Temp, Cache, Locks) to a dedicated folder in /tmp, leaving your home directory cleaner, so it's useful even if you're on the new ISCSI sessions that support flock operations.


Run this command from your terminal:

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Tolsadus/42homebrewfix/master/install.sh)"

How it works

This script removes your current Homebrew installation in your home, and reinstalls it properly from the Homebrew Github repo.

Then it simply creates a .brew_fix.zsh script in your home directory, and modifies your .zshrc to source the script.

It is simple to remove, and you can re-run it multiple times without duplication.


Simply remove these lines from your .zshrc

# Load Homebrew Fix script
source $HOME/.brew_fix.zsh

And delete .brew_fix.zsh in your home directory.