An open-source Go project to test different WAF for detection logic and bypasses.
It is a 3-steps requests generation process that multiply amount of payloads to encoders and placeholders. Let's say you defined 2 payloads, 3 encoders (Base64, JSON, and URLencode) and 1 placeholder (HTTP GET variable). In this case, the tool will send 2x3x1 = 6 requests in a testcase.
The payload string you wanna send. Like <script>alert(111)</script>
or something more sophisticated. There is no macroses like so far, but it's in our TODO list. Since it's a YAML string, use binary encoding if you wanna to
Data encoder the tool should apply to the payload. Base64, JSON unicode (\u0027 instead of '), etc.
A place inside HTTP request where encoded payload should be. Like URL parameter, URI, POST form parameter, or JSON POST body.
docker build . --force-rm -t gotestwaf
docker run -v /tmp:/tmp/report gotestwaf --url=https://the-waf-you-wanna-test/
Find the report file waf-test-report-.pdf in a /tmp folder you mapped to /tmp/report inside the container.
git clone
cd owasp-modsecurity-crs/util/docker
docker build -t modsec_crs --file Dockerfile-3.0-nginx .
docker run --rm -p 8080:80 -e PARANOIA=1 modsec_crs
You may choose the PARANOIA level to increase the level of security.
Learn more
docker run -v /tmp:/tmp/report gotestwaf --url=http://the-waf-you-wanna-test/
owasp ss-include 5/20 (0.25)
owasp xml-injection 12/12 (1.00)
owasp xss-scripting 9/28 (0.32)
owasp ldap-injection 0/8 (0.00)
owasp mail-injection 3/12 (0.25)
owasp nosql-injection 0/18 (0.00)
owasp path-traversal 8/24 (0.33)
owasp shell-injection 3/8 (0.38)
owasp sql-injection 8/32 (0.25)
owasp sst-injection 5/20 (0.25)
owasp-api graphql 1/1 (1.00)
owasp-api rest 2/2 (1.00)
owasp-api soap 0/2 (0.00)
false-pos texts 7/8 (0.88)
WAF score: 42.18%
132 bypasses in 195 tests / 14 test cases
Usage of /go/src/gotestwaf/gotestwaf:
-block_regexp string
Regular Expression to detect blocking page with the same HTTP response status code as not blocked request
-block_statuscode int
HTTP response status code that WAF use while blocking requests. 403 by default (default 403)
Check SSL/TLS certificates, turned off by default
-config string
Config file to use. Attention, if you are using the config, all the are flags will be avoided. (default "config.yaml")
Allow GoTestWAF to use cookies server sent. May work only for --threads=1. Default: false
-headers string
The list of HTTP headers to add to each request, separated by ',' (comma). Example: -headers=X-a:aaa,X-b:bbb. Clear the config.yaml headers section prior to using this option.
-max_redirects int
Maximum amount of redirects per request that GoTestWAF will follow until the hard stop. Default: 50 (default 50)
Count all the requests that were not blocked as passed (old behaviour). Otherwise, count all of them that doens't satisfy PassStatuscode/PassRegExp as blocked (by default) (default true)
-pass_regexp string
Regular Expression to detect normal (not blocked) web-page with the same HTTP response status code as blocked request
-pass_statuscode int
HTTP response status code that WAF use while passing requests. 200 by default (default 200)
-proxy string
Proxy to use
-random_delay int
Random delay, in addition to --sending_delay between requests inside threads, millisecconds. Default: up to +500ms (default 500)
-report string
Report filename to export results (default "/tmp/report/waf-test-report2020-October-23.pdf")
-sending_delay int
Delay between sending requests inside threads, millisecconds. Default: 500ms (default 500)
-testcases string
Folder with test cases (default "./testcases/")
-threads int
Number of concurrent HTTP requests (default 2)
-url string
URL with a WAF to check (default "http://localhost")