
No charts. Missing d3.min

Closed this issue · 3 comments

OpenBSD 5.6
Owncloud 7.0.3
ocusagecharts 3.3

Blank page after enabling Charts. The following shows in the owncloud.log file:

{"app":"index","message":"Exception: js file not found: script:js/d3/d3.min formfactor: serverroot:/owncloud","level":4,"time":"2014-12-21T16:02:55+00:00"}
{"app":"PHP","message":"js file not found: script:js/d3/d3.min formfactor: serverroot:/owncloud at /owncloud/lib/private/template/resourcelocator.php#49","level":3,"time":"2014-12-21T16:02:55+00:00"}

fileshare# pwd
fileshare# find . -name d3.min

I grabbed the following and copied them to the owncloud server. I can see graphs now.
"" - apps/ocusagecharts/js/d3
d3.js d3.min.js
"" - apps/ocusagecharts/js/c3
c3.css c3.js c3.min.css c3.min.js

Graphs don't look quite right, but at least I see graphs.

Did you clone from github? Because I removed external dependencies from the repository.
I should be able to install the dependencies through bower.

However I would suggest installing from that one works for sure.

I did install from the repository. Yes, I see now that the link from does include those two directories.

-Steve S.

From: arno []
Sent: Sunday, December 21, 2014 2:04 PM
To: arnovr/ocusagecharts
Cc: Steven Surdock
Subject: Re: [ocusagecharts] No charts. Missing d3.min (#53)

Did you clone from github? Because I removed external dependencies from the repository.
I should be able to install the dependencies through bower.

However I would suggest installing from that one works for sure.

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