
small open source board based on ESP32-PICO-D4

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Arnytrty Pico32

Pico32 is small (13mm*13mm) open source board based on ESP32-PICO-D4. It was designed for full use of the SoC package from Espressif & make it more accessible so you can simply handsolder without any special tools. It has a 4MB embedded flash (esp32-pico-d4 datasheet).

This board does not have USB to UART converter, you will need an external one to program it (they are pretty cheap). For a programming guide, check out FLASHING.md.

Files & Revisions:

Main folders:

Name Content
hardware board CAD files
images images of the board
models Exported 3D models
order GERBER, BOM & CPL files


Name Revision Tested Comment
pico32_v1_jlcpcb_assembly v1 YES got removeable frame to match jlcpcb assembly requirements; designed in EasyEDA; fully working, but has pins from bootm & got only 100mA regulator
pico32_v2 v2 NO pins from side; better regulator; designed in KiCad
pico32_v2_jlcpcb_assembly v2 NO got removeable frame to match jlcpcb assembly requirements, other parameters are the same as pico32_v2

Currently I dont sell these myself, but you can check out how to buy them for yourself on ORDER.md guide.



This version is more universal than the first one, it also removes the flaws of v1. It has the same footprint as before (13mm*13mm), but instead of having pads on the bottom, it has them cascellated through holes on sides so you can easily solder it on a homemade PCB.

Known issues:

  • NONE

pico32_v2_front_render pico32_v2_back_render


This was used as the test of how many components ESP32-PICO-D4 needs, it works pretty well, but if you use CPU speed over 80MHz it will throw Brownout detector was triggered. With its 13mm*13mm footprint, you can simply fit it in ending of aluminium profile & control rgb leds with it.

Known issues:

  • Wrong LDO - only 100mA
  • Too small capacitors ?

pico32_v1_front pico32_v1_back pico32_v1_inside_ending pico32_v1_inside_ending_working