
Collection of development resources to help me stay sane and organized


References, reminders, resources


Issue: WordPress shows Error establishing Database connection

Solution: Make sure you have the correct .htaccess file and that the file permissions are correct

Issue: WordPress Media Library displays 404 error / admin-ajax.php not found

Solution: Permissions are incorrect on the wp-content folder. Temporarily changing to 777 fixed the issue.

Issue: Sublime Text 3 triggers high CPU usage

Solution: Add the following to user config:"index_files": false

Issue: WordPress 500 Internal error

Solution: Fix permissions, and add .htaccess

Issue: Migrabte DB Pro failing on media transfer

Solution: As far as I can tell this only occurs when attempting a tranfer from localhost to remote. Pulling from another remote fixed it for me.

Issue: A Small Orange caching persisting on CSS

Solution: ASO has a hard 15min server cache for their shared-hosting plans. Use ?nocache=1 to bypass

Issue: A Small Orange 500 Internal Service Error

Solution: This has always been a permissions error for me. Make sure the correct permissions are present. See "Correct permissions"

Issue: Angular dependencies not loading

Solution: Make sure they're in the correct order

Issue: WP Migrate DB Connection error

Solution: Try unchecking SSL verification on local site

Issue: A Small Orange can't login to wordpress backend

Solution: Make sure PHP is 5.5 +. The bcrypt plugin inside mu-plugins needs it

File Descriptions

.bashrc & .bash_profile

On OS X, when you open a new terminal window it logs the user into a new bash shell. Upon login, bash will first read the file /etc/profile for root level commands. Then bash will go to your home directory ~/ and read the following four files in the order in which they're found: ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login, ~/.profile, ~/.login. For example, if you don't have a .bash_profile in your home directory, bash will then try to find .bash_login, and then .profile, etc.

After opening a new terminal window, any additional windows are opened in a new bash subshell. Bash will then attempt to find ~/.bashrc for the commands it needs. Additionally, after logging out of a Bash shell ~/.bash_logout is run.

To handle the discrepency between the login shell and the non-login shell, put the following in ~/.bash_profile

if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
	source ~/.bashrc


An .ico file is a container for multiple .bmp or .png icons of different sizes. Create your .ico out of optimized .png files.


The .DS_Store (Desktop Services Store) file keeps custom attributes of a folder such as the position of icons or the choice of a background image.

ethOS commands

Detailed view of what the cards are set at

amdconfig --od-getclocks --adapter=all

Unix Commands

Rsync (sync) remote dir to local

rsync -anvzP --progress --rsh=ssh ostromcr@ ./mail

sudo killall Finder

Restart the Finder


GNU Wget is a free utility for non-interactive download of files from the Web. It supports HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP protocols, as well as retrieval through HTTP proxies. (Note: add -c flag to resume a broken download).

'cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh user@server 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys''

Copies your public key to the authorized_keys file on remote server

'chmod 700 ~/.ssh && chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'

Changes correct permissions of .ssh folder and authorized_keys file

'zip -r --password (password) (filename) (folder)'

Recursively zip a directory and password protect it

'find ./ -type f -name '*.jpg' -exec du -ch {} + | grep total$'

Show total file size of a given dir

tar -zcvf archive_name.tar.gz folder_to_compress

.tar compression

tar -zxvf archive_name.tar.gz

.tar extraction

sudo rm -rf ~/.Trash/*

Force empty trash

Change user password

'passwd' and follow the promopt



Bash (Bourne Again SHell) is the default shell on OSX and Linux.

Semantic difference between Parameters and Arguments

Parameters: A property you set on a function when initially defining it

Arguments: The value you pass into a function when calling it


A client (browser) can request new pieces of information from a server at anytime without needing a page reload. This request can be event driven (clicking on a button or hovering over an image for example). Not occurring at the same time.


XMLHttpRequest (XHR) is a JavaScript object that is used in AJAX programming. XHR can retrieve more than just XML. For example, JSON, file, and ftp. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/XMLHttpRequest. The XHR object contains methods that are used to make HTTP requests. The common methods are:

readyState (the state of the request) 0 UNSENT open()has not been called yet. 1 OPENED send()has not been called yet. 2 HEADERS_RECEIVED send() has been called, and headers and status are available. 3 LOADING Downloading; responseText holds partial data. 4 DONE The operation is complete.

onreadystatechange A JavaScript function object that is called whenever the readyState attribute changes. The callback is called from the user interface thread.

responseText The response to the request as text, or null if the request was unsuccessful or has not yet been sent.

Object properties Definition
onreadystatechange A JavaScript function object that is called whenever the readyState attribute changes. The callback is called from the user interface thread.
readyState Indicates the state of the request. The value is a number between 0-4. 0 = UNSENT, 1 = OPENED, 2 = HEADERS_RECEIVED, 3 = LOADING, 4 = DONE.
responseText The response to the request as text, or null if the request was unsuccessful or has not yet been sent.
status The status of the response to the request. This is the HTTP result code (for example, status is 200 for a successful request).


Asynchronous JavaScript and XML


ulimit is a *nix preference that limits system resources started by the shell itself. The -n flag describes how many file descriptors can be opened at once.

"In simple words, when you open a file, the operating system creates an entry to represent that file and store the information about that opened file. So if there are 100 files opened in your OS then there will be 100 entries in OS (somewhere in kernel). These entries are represented by integers like (...100, 101, 102....). This entry number is the file descriptor. So it is just an integer number that uniquely represents an opened file in operating system. If your process open 10 files then your Process table will have 10 entries for file descriptors. Similarly when you open a network socket, it is also represented by an integer and it is called Socket Descriptor."

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5256599/what-are-file-descriptors-explained-in-simple-terms http://ss64.com/bash/ulimit.html

How tos

Reset WordPress password via MySQL

UPDATE wp_users SET user_pass= MD5('yourpass') WHERE user_login='arobbins';

Markdown formatting

Markdown Basics Markdown Cheatsheet Single line breaks are created by ending a line with two or more spaces

Installing Grunt

In order to get started with Grunt, you first need to install the command within your system directory. To do this, install the grunt command-line interface below:

npm install -g grunt-cli

Once this the Grunt CLI is installed, make sure you have a companion package.json file in your project and you should be good to go.

[Resource 1] (http://gruntjs.com/getting-started) [Resource 2] (https://frontendmasters.com/courses/workflows-and-tooling)

Adding SSH access to your Github account

This assumes you have an SSH key generated already on your local machine. If not, follow this tutorial. Also assumes you're on a *nix based OS.

  • cd ~/.ssh
  • pbcopy < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
  • Now paste it to your Github account

Associating Text Editors with Git

git config --global core.editor "subl -n -w" https://help.github.com/articles/associating-text-editors-with-git

Less verbose git status message

git status -sb

Stage all tracked files in Git

git add -u

Show changed files in specific commit

'git show --pretty="format:" --name-only bd61ad98'

Mass find and move of files within unix

sudo find /Volumes/Expansion\ Drive/Reason\ Refills -iname "*rhode*" -type f -exec /bin/mv {} /dump/rhodes \;

Selecting only a certain amount of records in a SQL query

select top 10 * from

Flip Between Windows in Current Application

Command + `

Vertically center anything

.parent-element {
  -webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d;
.element {
  position: relative;
  top: 50%;
  transform: translateY(-50%);

Horizontally center absolutely positioned element

.parent-element {
  position: relative;
.element {
	width: 25%;
	position: absolute;
	left: 0;
	right: 0;
	text-align: center;

Building and Installing Lua on Mac

curl -R -O http://www.lua.org/ftp/lua-5.2.3.tar.gz
tar zxf lua-5.2.3.tar.gz
cd lua-5.2.3
make macosx test

How Arrays are objects behind the scenes

var arr = [];
arr.push(10, 20);
arr["prop1"] = "value1";

// Behind the scenes
arr = {
	0: 10,
	1: 20,
	prop1: "value1"

Lexical Scoping

Predominate scoping model in JavaScript. Lexical scope also means "compile-time scope" (the time you wrote your code). Think of it like walking up the stairs of the building. The rooftop being the global scope. Another way of thinking of it is in terms of "bubbles". Each function contains a bubble that wraps nested functions. (https://frontendmasters.com/courses/advanced-javascript)

Dynamic Scoping

Dynamic scoping is created by using the this keyword as it binds object to specific things.

This keyword

Every function, while executing, has a reference to its current executing context called "this".

Four rules for how the this keyword gets bound: 1. Default - If you're in strict mode, default this to the undefined value. If you're not in strict mode, default this to the global object. Either undefined to global. 2. Implicit binding - Contains a owning object 3. 4.

How to determine where 'this' is bound. Find the callsite, ask these four rules:

  1. Was the function called with the new keyword?
  2. Was the function called with call or apply specifying an implicit 'this'?
  3. Was the function called via a containing object (context)?
  4. Default: global object

New keyword

When you place the new keyword infront of any function call, it turns it into a constructor call that does 4 things.

  1. A brand new empty object will be created
  2. That object gets linked to a different object*
  3. That object gets bound to the this keyword
  4. If that object does not otherwise return anything it will implicitly insert a return "this".

Speed Test program

// Primitives Array - 150 items
var listPrim = [12.42423, 324.42423, 4.42423, 25.42423, 65.42423, 23.42423, 532.42423, 24.42423, 535.42423, 747.42423, 5.42423, 4365.42423, 63.42423, 35.42423, 62.42423, 46.42423, 52.42423, 225.42423, 6436.42423, 23.42423, 53.42423, 52.42423, 5.42423, 26.42423, 35.2, 12.42423, 324.42423, 4.42423, 25.42423, 65.42423, 23.42423, 532.42423, 24.42423, 535.42423, 747.42423, 5.42423, 4365.42423, 63.42423, 35.42423, 62.42423, 46.42423, 52.42423, 225.42423, 6436.42423, 23.42423, 53.42423, 52.42423, 5.42423, 26.42423, 35.2, 12.42423, 324.42423, 4.42423, 25.42423, 65.42423, 23.42423, 532.42423, 24.42423, 535.42423, 747.42423, 5.42423, 4365.42423, 63.42423, 35.42423, 62.42423, 46.42423, 52.42423, 225.42423, 6436.42423, 23.42423, 53.42423, 52.42423, 5.42423, 26.42423, 35.2, 12.42423, 324.42423, 4.42423, 25.42423, 65.42423, 23.42423, 532.42423, 24.42423, 535.42423, 747.42423, 5.42423, 4365.42423, 63.42423, 35.42423, 62.42423, 46.42423, 52.42423, 225.42423, 6436.42423, 23.42423, 53.42423, 52.42423, 5.42423, 26.42423, 35.2, 12.42423, 324.42423, 4.42423, 25.42423, 65.42423, 23.42423, 532.42423, 24.42423, 535.42423, 747.42423, 5.42423, 4365.42423, 63.42423, 35.42423, 62.42423, 46.42423, 52.42423, 225.42423, 6436.42423, 23.42423, 53.42423, 52.42423, 5.42423, 26.42423, 35.2, 12.42423, 324.42423, 4.42423, 25.42423, 65.42423, 23.42423, 532.42423, 24.42423, 535.42423, 747.42423, 5.42423, 4365.42423, 63.42423, 35.42423, 62.42423, 46.42423, 52.42423, 225.42423, 6436.42423, 23.42423, 53.42423, 52.42423, 5.42423, 26.42423, 35.2];

var SpeedTest = function(func, params, reps){
	this.func = func;
	this.params = params;
	this.reps = reps || 10000;
	this.average = 0;

SpeedTest.prototype = {
	startTest: function(){

		// Set up variables
		var beginTime,
			 sumTimes = 0;

		// Check for valid params
		if(this.func(this.params) === false ){
			alert("Yo man, the test failed with those parameters.");

		// Start the test
		for (var i = 0, x = this.reps; i < x; i++){
			beginTime = +new Date();
			endTime = +new Date();
			sumTimes += endTime - beginTime;

		// Find the average
		this.average = sumTimes / this.reps;

		// Return result!
		return console.log("Average execution across " + this.reps + " repetitions: " + this.average);

var logger = function(element, index, array) {

var looper = function(func){

var myTest = new SpeedTest(looper, logger, 5000);

Classes, Prototypes, and Inheritance In Javascript

Classes don't natively exist in Javascript. However you can implement a Class-like architecture through the use of Constructor functions:

function Person(name, age, location){
	this.name = name;
	this.age = age;
	this.location = location;
	this.motto = "Tu ne cede malis";
	this.sayMotto = function(){
		return alert(this.motto);
var andy = new Person("Andy", 26, "Minneapolis");

All objects in Javascript have a prototype object. The prototype object is a semi-hidden property sometimes seen in browsers as __proto__.

We can be more efficient in our code if we abstract our sayMotto function into the Person prototype instead. For example:

function Person(name, age, location){
	this.name = name;
	this.age = age;
	this.location = location;
	this.motto = "Tu ne cede malis";
Person.prototype.sayMotto = function(){
	return alert(this.motto);
var andy = new Person("Andy", 26, "Minneapolis");
andy.sayMotto(); // Works the same way

Additionally, the instanceof operator can tell you what Prototype / Constructor function your new object comes from.


Closure is when a function "remembers" its lexical scope even when the function is executed outside that lexical scope.

function foo() {
	var bar = "bar";
	function baz() {
function bam(baz) {


Revealing Modular Pattern

var foo = (function(){

	var o = {
		bar: "bar"

	return {
		bar: function(){



Configuring the subl command

Make sure to put the binary in /usr/local/bin. The binary can be found in /Applications/Sublime\ Text.app/Contents/SharedSupport/bin

Copying SSH public key to clipboard

pbcopy < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

Hiding mini-map by default in Sublime

"show_minimap": false

Adding custom keyboard shortcut to maximize current window on OSX

    1. System Preferences - Keyboard
    1. Shortcuts - App Shortcuts
    1. Add new
    1. Type in "Zoom" for Menu Title

Setting R+W permissions on a folder recursively

chmod -R 777 <folder>

Showing hidden files and folders on 10.9.3

defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -boolean true ; killall Finder

List all Branches associated with a given respository

git branch -a


Restore configuration after Mac OS updates

sudo cp /etc/apache2/httpd.conf~previous /etc/apache2/httpd.confcopy
sudo cp /etc/apache2/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf~previous /etc/apache2/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
sudo apachectl restart

Test the current configuration of Apache

The below two commands do the same thing. More resources here: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/programs/apachectl.html

apachectl configtest
apachectl -t


Show changed files from last commit

git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r 952364b

Force Merge

git fetch --all
git reset --hard origin/master

CSS Reminders

List of Flexbox vendor prefixes


Prevent copy from wrapping underneath floated elements


/* Element not to be wrapped must be block-level */
img {
	float: left;
p {
	overflow: hidden

Clickable background-images

/* Instead of padding, use text-indent to move copy if needed */

.link {
	text-indent: 10%;

Reseting the box model using box-sizing reset

/* apply a natural box layout model to all elements */
*, *:before, *:after {
  -moz-box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box;


Set any container to 100% of viewport height

This is super useful if you want to set a full background-image to a container other than the body.

height: 100vh;


Horizontalling align floated element

margin: 0 10%;

Usefull SASS Mixins

@function calculateRem($size) {
  $remSize: $size / 16px;
  @return $remSize * 1rem;

@mixin font-size($size) {
  font-size: $size;
  font-size: calculateRem($size);


local dir: "~/.ssh"


Upload file: "scp @:~/"


  • The default port for HTTP traffic is 80.

To be able to fetch those quickly, browsers will make several requests simultaneously, rather than waiting for the responses one at a time.

Making HTTP requests in web page scripts once again raises concerns about security. The person who controls the script might not have the same interests as the person on whose computer it is running. More specifically, if I visit themafia.org, I do not want its scripts to be able to make a request to mybank.com, using identifying information from my browser, with instructions to transfer all my money to some random mafia account. It is not too hard for websites to protect themselves against such attacks, but it requires effort, and many websites fail to do it. For this reason, browsers protect us by disallowing scripts to make HTTP requests to other domains (names like themafia.org and mybank.com).

Gravity Forms

[gravityform id=1 title=false description=false ajax=true tabindex=49]



At its core, $scope is nothing more than a JavaScript object. For example,

$scope.name = "Andrew";
$scope.age = 26;

Renders as:

	name: "Andrew"
	age: 26


The $inject property is a way in which you can inject your dependencies that minifiers will not break. It's similar to the array syntax when declaring your function parameters.


php.ini file location: '/private/etc/php.ini'


--save-dev updates package.json

HTTP Status Codes

Code Status
200 Ok
403 Forbidden
404 Not found
500 Internal Server Error


You Don't know JS Notes (Scope & Closures)

Note: LHS and RHS meaning "left/right-hand side of an assigment" doesn't necessarily literally mean "left/right side of the = assignment operator". There are several other ways that assignments happen, and so it's better to conceptually think about it as: "who's the target of the assignment (LHS)" and "who's the source of the assignment (RHS)".

"Strict Mode", which was added in ES5, has a number of different behaviors from normal/relaxed/lazy mode. One such behavior is that it disallows the automatic/implicit global variable creation. In that case, there would be no global Scope'd variable to hand back from an LHS look-up, and Engine would throw a ReferenceError similarly to the RHS case.


Repo strategy

  • Don't store Core files

    • These files shouldn't be changing in the first place
  • Don't store sensitive information

    • Following security best practices
  • Don't store uploads

    • Repo becomes out of date as soon as client uploads something new
    • Repo becomes way too large
  • Store Theme

  • Store Plugins

Remove WYSIWYG editor on pages only

function remove_editor_on_pages() {
  global $_wp_post_type_features;

  $post_type = "page";
  $feature = "editor";

  if (!isset($_wp_post_type_features[$post_type])) {

  } else if (isset($_wp_post_type_features[$post_type][$feature])) {

add_action("init", "remove_editor_on_pages");

Enable local installation of Plugins

Add below code to wp-config.php

define('FS_METHOD', 'direct');

Correct permissions


find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} +


find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} +


API Docs http://docs.woothemes.com/wc-apidocs


Removing date within blog posts

RedirectMatch 301 /blog/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/(.*)$ /blog/$3


Consuming a WS through curl

curl -k -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Authorization: Basic YXJvYmJpbnNfcWE6QDhBfsdDdsskOKNaj4=" https://wsurlgoeshere.com

-k allows for an insecure connection -H sets a header



Importing mysql database

mysql -u username -p database_name < file.sql

Dumping mysql database

mysqldump -u username -p database_name > file.sql

Update database URLs

UPDATE wp_options SET option_value = replace(option_value, 'http://www.oldurl', 'http://www.newurl') WHERE option_name = 'home' OR option_name = 'siteurl';

UPDATE wp_posts SET guid = replace(guid, 'http://www.oldurl','http://www.newurl');

UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = replace(post_content, 'http://www.oldurl', 'http://www.newurl');

UPDATE wp_postmeta SET meta_value = replace(meta_value,'http://www.oldurl','http://www.newurl');



  • Opening Dev Console: CMD + Option + J
  • Toggling console docking: CMD + Shift + D
  • Enter mobile view: CMD + Shift + M










HTTP / Server


