N.B.: This role is a soft fork of Jeff Geerling's excellent zfs_exporter role, with some strategic find-and-replace to install and manage the very similar zfs_exporter package.
This role installs zfs_exporter on Linux hosts, and configures a systemd unit file so the service can run and be controlled by systemd.
Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml
zfs_exporter_version: '2.2.5'
The version of zfs exporter to install. Available releases can be found on the tags listing in the zfs exporter repository. Drop the v
off the tag.
If you change the version, the zfs_exporter
binary will be replaced with the updated version, and the service will be restarted.
zfs_exporter_arch: 'amd64'
zfs_exporter_download_url: https://github.com/pdf/zfs_exporter/releases/download/v{{ zfs_exporter_version }}/zfs_exporter-{{ zfs_exporter_version }}.linux-{{ zfs_exporter_arch }}.tar.gz
The architecture and download URL for zfs exporter. If you're on a Raspberry Pi running Raspbian, you may need to override the arch
value with armv7
zfs_exporter_bin_path: /usr/local/bin/zfs_exporter
The path where the zfs_exporter
binary will be installed.
zfs_exporter_output_path: /tmp/zfs_exporter_output.prom
The path where the zfs_exporter
output will be written
zfs_exporter_options: ''
Any additional options to pass to zfs_exporter
when it starts, e.g. --no-collector.dataset-filesystem
if you want to ignore zfs filesystem data. Usage here.
zfs_exporter_sponge_package_name: moreutils
Package to install for sponge
binary, necessary for safely teeing the output. Set to '' to skip the install
zfs_exporter_state: started
zfs_exporter_enabled: true
Controls for the zfs_exporter
- hosts: all
- role: aroberts.zfs_exporter
by Andrew Roberts, 2022
Based on a role created by Jeff Geerling.