
HTTP service to send RF signals over a 433Mhz transmitter for raspberry pi

Primary LanguageJavaScript


An HTTP service to send RF signals over a 433Mhz transmitter for raspberry pi.


My setup:

  • Raspberry Pi 2
  • 433Mhz transmitter - wired to GPIO 17 (physical pin 11)
  • EDIMAX Wireless 802.11b/g/n nano USB adpater (EW-7811Un)
  • Raspbian (Jessie)
  • WiringPi
  • Node 5.7.1


Please read all of this. Just running npm install will tank hard.


To get Node 5.7.x, I used their official tarball download: node-5.7.1 ARMv7.

I fetch this via wget in a download folder, untar it, change to the new directory and then copy everything to /usr/local`.


With git already installed:

git clone git://git.drogon.net/wiringPi
cd wiringPi

NPM Install

Now with all the prerequisites in place, you should be able to get a working install via npm:

npm install


Each device can have multiple operations defined where an operation is comprised of a pulse and code.

	"name": "myLamp",
	"pulse": 178,
	"operations": {
		"on": {
			"code": 1234567
		"off": {
			"code": 1234566

List devices GET /api/device

Returns a list of devices that will include their operations as well.

Add device POST /api/device/:name

Adds a new device definiiton.

Get device info GET /api/devices/:name

Returns configuration for device.

Update device PATCH /api/device/:name

Use JSON-PATCH specification to update the device.

Remove device DELETE /api/device/:name

Deletes a command from the device.

Add device command POST /api/device/:name/:command

Adds a new command to a device. A command only takes a code property with the integer code to send.

Send command PUT /api/device/:name/:command

Sends the predefined command to the device.

Updates a device command PATCH /api/device/:name/:command

Use JSON-PATCH specification to update the command.

Remove a device command DELETE /api/device/:name/:command

Deletes a command from the device.