
My fabfile.py used to leverage git, rsync, Django, VPS remote commands, and so on.

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

arohacs fabfile.py Documentation

License information

fabfile by Adam Rohacs is licensed under a GNU General Public License and is based on a work at github.com.

Anatomy of the project name

This is my fabfile.py script which leverages fab - the fabric binary - and so the name should be self-explanatory.

Version information

This is a python 2.7.x script and may not work correctly or at all when invoked by python 3. Please check your version by typing: python -V

OS Platform support and Testing

This program has been tested with Python 2.7 under virtualenvs and with python2 on Arch Linux. It might or might not work on a non-Linux/Unix platform. Use at your own risk, and modify at your leisure according to the GNU license.


Clone the repository to a directory of your choice: $ git clone git://github.com/arohacs/fabfile.git

Run the program with python version 2.7, for example:
$ fab --options


With this software, you can:

  • Start and stop headless virtualbox machines
  • Start and stop remote services
  • Push and pull to dev machines and production machines
  • Start VirtualBox hosts in headless mode
  • Deploy via Push and Pull with rsync


I needed some automation to help me with Django development and deployment. Through trial and error, I developed this script. For security, all host names and user names are redacted, but it shouldn't be hard for you to figure out where to change variables.