
:fire: BURN a React Native boilerplate

Primary LanguageJavaScript



  • Redux
  • Redux-Thunk
  • React-Navigation
  • Animatable
  • Jest(Unit tests)
  • Flow(Type checking)
  • Detox(e2e tests)
  • Docz(Styleguide)
  • Styled components
  • Eslint
  • Prettier

React Native boilerplate



Welcome to Burn react-native boilerplate


Feel free to fork or clone this project and run

yarn install


yarn ios

And there you go!


For the project Styleguide we will go for the best option: Docz


To run Docz simply: yarn docz dev



To run Flow on the project, you can easily use already prepared scripts from package.json file and run

yarn flow

This starts Flow server and executes Flow checks. To stop Flow server, you can execute:

yarn flow-stop

More on Flow you can find here.


To check styling and other ESLint rules defined in .eslintrc file, it's enough to run:

yarn lint

Jest Unit tests

There is a script prepared to run all the unit tests defined with the use of Jest. Just run:

yarn test:unit

Detox e2e tests

There is a script prepared to run all the e2e test which plays the entire game and restarts the app

First you have to build it: yarn test:e2e:build

Now, just run the test: yarn test:e2e


Prettier is formatting all code

yarn pretty


This project comes with already prepared precommit hook, that runs prettier on code and then executes unit tests, just before the commit. This will prevent you from commiting badly styled or invalid code to the repo.

Precommit is defined in package.json's scripts section and is taking advantage of a package called lint-staged. You can find more info on it here.