
MySQL Replication and ProxySQL with Spring boot application to test connections

Primary LanguageJava

Docker MySQL Replication and ProxySQL experiments

Simple application with MySQL Replication master/master. Server made with Spring Boot and connected to ProxySQL, without knowing the databases. You can test it starting the application and stopping one of the MySQL Server's, the behavior of the proxy is to keep the connection up.

Setup with Docker

To start the proxy and database's:

docker-compose up -d

Steps to configure MySQL replication

Go to mysql_server_1

show master status;

Take result and fill:

stop slave;

CHANGE MASTER TO master_host='mysql_master_2', master_port=3308, master_user='root', master_password='root',master_log_file='mysql-bin.000001', master_log_pos=154;

start slave;
  • Change master_log_file and master_log_pos with previous result.

Then go to master_server_2 and repeat steps:

show master status;

Take result and fill:

stop slave;

CHANGE MASTER TO master_host='mysql_master_1', master_port=3307, master_user='root', master_password='root',master_log_file='mysql-bin.000001', master_log_pos=154;

start slave;
  • Change master_log_file and master_log_pos with previous result.

Start tests

cd server
./mvnw test

With tests running, you can test the proxy stopping and starting the instances of MySQL

docker-compose stop mysql_master_1