This project is a bootstrap to begin project with these technologies.
- Sinatra framework
- MongoDB database
- Resque background jobs
- Clockwork cron
##Run databases ###MongoDB (main database) $ mkdir data $ mongod --dbpath ./data ###Redis (for Resque) $ redis-server
##Run services
$ bundle install
$ foreman start
##Deploy on heroku Create a Heroku cedar and add some free addons
$ heroku create --stack cedar
$ heroku addons:add mongohq:free
$ heroku addons:add redistogo:nano
After pushing setting up accounts and pushing you changes, run the following code to scale your heroku project (may not be free)
$ heroku scale web=1 resque=1 clock=1
Thanks to kylefritz for make my life little bit easier with his Resque+Sinatra+Foreman example