
Book Store

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

Book Store

This repository contains files for a simple Book Store website comprising HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Below is an overview of the files and their functionalities:

Files Included

  1. index.html: This is the main HTML file that structures the Book Store webpage. It includes sections such as header, navigation, main content, book list, add new book form, contact information, and footer.

  2. style.css: This CSS file provides styling for the HTML elements in the Book Store webpage, ensuring a visually appealing layout.

  3. script.js: This JavaScript file contains functionality for populating the book list, adding new books, and managing navigation within the website.


Header and Navigation

  • The header displays the name of the Book Store.
  • Navigation links allow users to navigate between different sections of the website.

Main Content

  • The main content section provides information about the Book Store and its offerings.

Special Offers and New Books

  • Special offers and new books sections provide highlighted content for users.

Book List

  • The book list section displays a table of all available books, including their title, author, genre, and publication year.
  • Users can view the list of books available in the store.

Add New Book

  • Users can add new books to the store using the provided form.
  • The form includes fields for title, author, genre, and publication year.
  • Upon submission, the new book is added to the book list.

Contact Information

  • Contact information section provides details for users to get in touch with the Book Store.


  • The footer displays copyright information and the current year.

JavaScript Functionality

  • JavaScript is used to dynamically populate the book list, generate radio buttons for selecting publication years, and handle form submission for adding new books.
  • It also manages navigation functionality to show/hide different sections of the website.

Prerequisites ✅

  • A code editor like Visual Studio Code with Git.
  • You can check if Git is installed by running the following command in the terminal:
  git --version


  1. Clone the GitHub repository using the this link
  git clone https://github.com/aron-net/Book-Store-Natu.git
  • Alternatively, you can just download the complete zip file and extract the folder in your directory.
  1. Copy All Project files and run using VSCODE. HTML can be viewed in browser.


👤 Aron Abraham

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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Enjoy exploring the Book Store! 📚

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.