
My personal README for github profile. Cheers.

Hello there, my name is M. Ridwan Zalbina, people call me "Edo" or "Ridwan", Software Engineer who work around fullstack development, but work as professional Front-End Developer. Really passionate to learn everything about technology: software engineering, visual design and information security.


I'm currently working on Digital Agency Company called Fairtech Technology, Ltd, located in Singapore, Jakarta and Makassar.

Technology Stack & Experiences

  • Javascript Technology - Fundamentals & Current Trends
  • Git, Mercurial and Subversion
  • Mastering CSS & Frontend Architecture for web development
  • Familiar with almost CSS Preprocessors SCSS/SASS and LESS
  • Familiar with templating engine : twig, handlebars, mustache, pug, ejs, dOT, and Jade
  • Cutting-edge Javascript Framework & Library such as: NodeJS, Vue, React, Svelte, Next, Nuxt and NestJS
  • PHP Native & MVC Framework such as: CodeIgniter and Laravel.
  • Python for data processing and API.
  • Java & Kotlin for native Android development.
  • Currently develop react-native app for mobile
  • Generate static content web using task runner / module bundler / build tool / package management tool such as :
    • Grunt, Gulp, npm, Browserify, Babel, Requirejs, Parcel
  • Automate task using : Shell Script, BOT API
  • Familiar with UNIX/Linux Environment as Software Engineer to deploy and maintain application
  • Focusing on clean code, conducting best practice as much as possible, learning design pattern to make sure everything is great.
  • Being a product designer as side hustle, helping company deal with product design, familiar with : Figma, Sketch, Zeplin and Invision for web and mobile user interfaces.

Interested in

  • Architecture & Construction (Real men need to get dirty).
  • Communicate effectively in english
  • Project Management & Human Capital
  • Start a company
  • Investment
  • Keep up with javascript ecosystem and framework such as : react, vue, svelte, and follow any update from those things.
  • Start open source project
  • Web3

You can reach me

© 2022 - Github README profile - M. Ridwan Zalbina