Demo OPA WASM Browser Build ====================== To test the bundle.js build run a local webserver: % python3 -m http.server 9000 Then open the browser to http://localhost:9000/ and open the console. You should see an array containing an {result: ["hello world"]}. To manually generate the bundle you'll need node, npm & esbuild installed. To install the dependencies run: % npm install The file node_modules/@open-policy-agent/opa-wasm/src/opa.js will need to be patched with the following implementation which will expose the global TextEncoder and TextDecoder functions. A browser build can then be created using a tool of choice e.g. rollup, webpack or esbuild. And ensuring the `global` object is aliased to `window`. An example of how to do this with esbuild: % brew install esbuild % esbuild index.js --define:global=window --bundle >! bundle.js