Monzo Tech Test =============== Overview -------- > Your task is to build a browser-based developer portal in JavaScript against > a dummy API that we've created! - This repository contains a small client side JavaScript application that supports: * Logging in to an external web service (with any email address and "hunter2" as the password). * Fetching a list of "Apps" belonging to that user. * Allowing the user to update the title of the app in place. * Checking periodically that the session is still valid. If not the app will display a warning and return to the login. * Logging out. Usage ----- An example of the app can be found running on GitHub pages: NOTE: This app currently uses modern JavaScript syntax and features and will likely only work in the most recent browsers. It was tested on latest Safari, Firefox and Chrome. Development ----------- To build and run the app yourself you will need node and npm installed on your machine. Then run: $ npm install You'll need to provide the build with the appropriate API endpoint via the MONZO_API_ROOT environment variable. Then run the "build" script: $ MONZO_API_ROOT= npm run build This will output the compiled site into the "dist" directory. A static server is provided by running: $ npm start Then navigate to http://localhost:8080 in your browser. To re-build anytime a change occurs in a file use the "watch" command: $ npm run watch Code Overview ------------- The bulk of the JavaScript code is contained within the "src" directory. The third party libraries like "preact" are symlinked into "vendor" from "node_modules" to simplify the import paths. The entire app is served by the index.html file which contains nothing more than links to the scripts and stylesheets plus the Monzo API endpoint contained within the data-api-root attribute on the <body> tag. Everything within the "src" directory has a JSX extension, mostly just to keep the build simple. src/ components/ Directory containing all of the Preact components. The most interesting one here is the AppContainer which holds the application state and deals with interfacing with the API. actions.jsx Helpers for updating the app state. Takes data in and returns a value suitable for passing to Preact's setState method. Kinda like a Redux action, kinda. client.jsx The API client, uses fetch() to talk to the back end and handles JSON parsing and Auth. Uses an HTTPError object to help with managing API errors. main.jsx The bootstrap script that initializes the app, included in index.html store.jsx Holds initial state for the application... utils.jsx Dumping ground for helper functions... The build is handled by Make[1], it mostly just deals with transforming the JSX files and putting them in /dist as well as copying over the index.html and vendor scripts. If the project were to get larger then using a dedicated build tool like Rollup[2] or Webpack[3] would be needed. [1]: [2]: [3]: Dependencies ------------ The app is designed to run on the LTS version of Node and npm which were v8.11.4 and 5.6.0 at last update. Preact[1] is used for client-side rendering, mostly to explore a lighter alternative to React. The JSX transform is handled by Babel[2] and the Bulma[3] CSS framework handles the styles. [1]: [2]: [3]: Areas of Improvement -------------------- This implements only a subset of features requested in the original spec. Some notable things to improve: 1) Use a proper build tool and more Babel plugins to enable richer JS features like enhanced class properties and the spread operator. Also provide a ES5 version and polyfill missing API's for older browsers. 2) Implement a lightweight server to handle session management. Storing the auth token in the browsers localstorage is less than ideal. A server would also afford sending HTML down to the client with the initial request. 3) Display a list of users for each of the apps with pagination. 4) Better loading/error states for views. License ------- Available under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details.