This project implements a polling based interface using the Zybo Z7 board for a hashing and verification system implemented in FreeRTOS. The polling is used to manage data transmission over a UART interface that supports a serial communication protocol. This system allows the user to generate a hash for a string, verify the correctness of the hash for a string, and generate a proof of work such that the generated hash of a stringmeets a certain difficulty level(i.e. number of leading zeroes in hash).
: Responsible for running the hashing, verification, and proof of work FreeRTOS tasks in which the UART is used to send strings for hashing in sha256.csha256.c
: Implementation of the SHA256 algorithm(credits to Brad Conte)
To run this project, make sure to use Vivado 2019.1 as other versions of Vivado are not compatible and have a Zybo Z7 board available.
- On Vivado, open the xpr file in the hardware folder of repository to create the hardware design for the project.
- Generate bitsream by clicking on Generate Bitstream in the PROGRAM AND DEBUG section in the Flow Navigator
- Export the hardware by clicking on File ➞ Export ➞ Export Hardware.
- Start the Xilinx SDK by selecting File ➞ Launch SDK. The Xilinx SDK desktop window will now open and you must wait for the initialization process to finish.
- Create a new FreeRTOS project by clicking on File ➞ New ➞ Application Project in the Xilinx SDK window. Use on the Hello World template to create the new project.
- Establish a connection to the Zybo Z7 board by clicking on the + icon on the top border of the SDK Terminal window.
- On the popup window select the COM port on the PC to establish the connection from the micro-USB cable to the Zybo Z7 board. Leave other settings to their defaults.
- To run application, right click on the project folder inside the Project Explorer pane. Select Run As ➞ Run Configurations. The configuration window will open.
- Double-click on the Xilinx C/C++ application (System Debugger) command. In the same window, on the right side check the boxes for Reset entire system and Program FPGA.
- Under the “Application” tab, verify that the ps7_cortexa9_0 checkbox is selected and click on Run to run the project.