
Read the Docs style manual for the IronHacks platform and Application client

IronHacks Platform Docs

Documentation is generated using Markdown with MkDocs and the Read the Docs style theme.

The following documents cover information for the following RCODI IronHacks projects that make up the IronHacks Ecosystem

Docs files can be hosted on GitHub Pages in a separate repository or can exist as a subfolder of an individual project, or can live on it's own gh-pages branch within a repository. GitHub will automattically update the documentation each time files under these locations are changed with a new commit.


The following instructions refer to steps needed to update the documentation site itself, unrelated to the main ironhacks-app or services.

Install Dependencies

Python Markdown Extensions

These optional and most are already included with MKDocs

List of builtin markdown extensions: python-markdown.github.io/extensions/

Project layout

mkdocs.yml        # The configuration file.
  - index.md      # The documentation homepage.
  - sectionA.md   # Other markdown pages

  subfolder/      # Creates a new section with the title of the folder
      - index.md
      - sectionB.md  



theme: 'readthedocs'

List of all mkdocs config options:




In the main project folder, run mkdocs serve and then visit http://localhost:8000 in your web browser.


In the main project folder mkdocs build. This will compile all of the files needed to serve the site in the site folder.

Note: GitHub uses a folder named "docs" to serve static sites from a project.


This project uses GitHub actions to automatically rebuild the site each time there is a commit to the main branch.

This runs the build command and publishes the output to a branch named gh-pages where the files are served by GitHub at https://ironhacks.github.io/ironhacks-docs.

You should not need to manually publish the project to make updates to the site.

In case this step is required the command mkdocs gh-deploy will do the same thing. You should exercise caution when using this command because it will update the project repository directly and commit changes to the main branch.

View the docs live at: https://ironhacks.github.io/ironhacks-docs

View the docs repository: https://github.com/ironhacks/ironhacks-docs