
Project source code for [] []

Jenkins plugins

  • GitHub Plugin
  • Maven Integration Plugin
  • Deploy To Container Plugin
  • Copy Artifact Plugin
  • Build Pipelin Plugin
  • Checkstyle Plugin (mvn checkstyle:checkstyle)
  • Findbugs Plugin (mvn findbugs:findbugs)
  • PMD Plugin (mvn pmd:pmd)

Tomcat configuration

  • conf/server.xml - Change port 8080 to 8090
  • conf/tomcat-users - Roles manager-script and admin-gui, user tomcat/tomcat
  • cd bin; sudo chmod +x *.sh
  • duplicate tomcat and change port to 9090 on prd.

Jenkins Jobs

  • Package: Runs "mvn package" and create artifact
  • Deploy-Stage: Deploy artifact to stage container, triggered by Package
  • Metrics: Runs "mvn checkstyle:checkstyle pmd:pmd findbugs:findbugs", triggered by Package
  • Deploy-Production: Deploy artifact to production container, triggered by Deploy-Stage (manual step)