URL Shortener

How to deplopy

  1. Create an AWS user with the following permissions
    1. API Gateway / Full access / All resources
    2. API Gateway V2 / Full access / All resources
    3. CloudFormation / Full access / All resources
    4. DynamoDB / Full access / All resources
    5. IAM / Full access / All resources
    6. Lambda / Full access / All resources
    7. S3 / Full access / All resources
  2. The user must have programatic access (AccessKey/Secret)
  3. Install node/npm https://nodejs.org/en/download/
  4. Install the aws-cli https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-chap-install.html
  5. Install the cdk-cli https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cdk/latest/guide/work-with-cdk-typescript.html
  6. Run aws configure and set the credentias of the user created above.
  7. Run cdk bootstrap
  8. Navigate to the root of the project and run the following commands
    cd api
    npm install
    npm run deploy
  9. After the deploy is complete the system will output the api endpoint, copy this value to the
    ApiStack.RestApiEndpoint0551178A = https://this.is.an.example/prod/
  10. Copy the value of ApiStack.RestApiEndpoint into the key apin.endopoint of the file app/src/environments.ts
  11. Build the website:
    npm run build-website
    npm run deploy

Things to improve

  • Unit test API
  • Integration test
  • Accept custom ids
  • Improve ID generation
    • Collision handling/retries
  • 301 Browser redirect
  • Validate inputs in the API side
  • Ease deployment (automaticaly update endpoint)
    • Automate the deployment.
  • Create a CDK Role
  • Throtling/retries
  • API authentication
  • No public bucket
  • Organize repository (src/ dist/)