
An implementation of Huet’s Zipper for Scala and Scala.js that is intended to be usable in many common scenarios

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT

Zipper — an implementation of Huet’s Zipper

A Zipper is a tool that allows to navigate and modify immutable recursive data structures. This implementation is inspired by the original paper by Huet, as well as the Argonaut’s JSON Zipper.

Consider the following example:

// Define a tree data structure
case class Tree(x: Int, c: List[Tree] = List.empty)

// Create a tree
val tree = Tree(
  1, List(
      11, List(
      12, List(
          122, List(

Since the tree is immutable, modifying it can be a pain, but it’s easily solved with a Zipper:

import zipper._

// Use a Zipper to move around and change data
val modified = {
    .moveDownAt(1)          // 12
    .moveDownRight          // 123
    .deleteAndMoveLeft      // 122
    .moveDownLeft           // 1221
    .update(_.copy(x = -1))
    .moveRight              // 1222
    .moveUp                 // 122
    .moveUp                 // 12
    .rewindLeft             // 11
    .moveDownRight          // 112
    .moveLeftBy(1)          // 111
    .deleteAndMoveUp        // 11
    .commit                 // commit the changes and return the result

Here’s what the modified tree looks like:

If we draw both trees side by side, we’ll see that the unchanged parts are shared:


Include these lines in your build.sbt:

// for JVM
libraryDependencies += "io.github.stanch" %% "zipper" % "0.5.2"

// for Scala.js
libraryDependencies += "io.github.stanch" %%% "zipper" % "0.5.2"


In order for the Zipper to work on your data structure Tree, you need an implicit instance of Unzip[Tree]. Unzip is defined as follows:

trait Unzip[A] {
  def unzip(node: A): List[A]
  def zip(node: A, children: List[A]): A

As we saw before, the library can automatically derive Unzip[Tree] if the Tree is a case class that has a single field of type List[Tree]. It is also possible to derive an Unzip[Tree] for similar cases, but with other collections:

scala> case class Tree(x: Int, c: Vector[Tree] = Vector.empty)
defined class Tree

scala> implicit val unzip = Unzip.For[Tree, Vector].derive
unzip: zipper.Unzip[Tree] = zipper.GenericUnzipInstances$For$$anon$2@6389ff1a

The automatic derivation is powered by shapeless.

Moves, failures and recovery

There are many operations defined on a Zipper. Some of them are not safe, e.g. moveLeft will fail with an exception if there are no elements on the left. For all unsafe operations a safe version is provided, which is prefixed with try. These operations return a Zipper.MoveResult, which allows to recover from the failure or return to the original state:

scala> val tree = Tree(1, Vector(Tree(3), Tree(4)))
tree: Tree = Tree(1,Vector(Tree(3,Vector()), Tree(4,Vector())))

scala> val modified = {
     |   Zipper(tree)
     |     .moveDownLeft
     |     .tryMoveLeft.getOrElse(_.insertLeft(Tree(2)).moveLeft)
     |     .commit
     | }
modified: Tree = Tree(1,Vector(Tree(2,Vector()), Tree(3,Vector()), Tree(4,Vector())))


Zipper provides a looping functionality, which can be useful with recursive data:

scala> val tree = Tree(1, Vector(Tree(2), Tree(3), Tree(5)))
tree: Tree = Tree(1,Vector(Tree(2,Vector()), Tree(3,Vector()), Tree(5,Vector())))

scala> val modified = {
     |   Zipper(tree)
     |     .moveDownLeft
     |     .repeatWhile(_.x < 5, _.tryMoveRight)
     |     .insertRight(Tree(4))
     |     .commit
     | }
modified: Tree = Tree(1,Vector(Tree(2,Vector()), Tree(3,Vector()), Tree(5,Vector()), Tree(4,Vector())))