
An easy-to-use API for the AIY Voice Kit

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

This repository contains an easy-to-use API for the AIY Voice Kit. You can use it to create voice commands with simple while loops - have a look at the demos. Documentation is at the AIY Projects site.

For guidelines on contributing, look at CONTRIBUTING.md. If you're using Raspbian instead of Google's provided image, read HACKING.md for information on getting started.

For returning users: The newest code is in the aiyprojects branch, which supports all AIY kits. The voicekit branch is deprecated, and users should switch to the aiyprojects branch. The original, deprecated voice-recognizer demo remains in the master branch of this project.


If you're having trouble assembling your Voice Kit or running the demos, try the AIY Forums.

If you've found a bug in the AIY Voice Kit API or demos, you can look at the known issues or create a new one, or even fix it yourself and send us a pull request.

If you've found a problem with the Assistant (for example, crashes in the library or incorrect responses), you can try the G+ community, Stack Overflow, or the assistant-sdk-python repo.