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Homework Assignment 4

Fork and clone this repository:

In the implement the equivalent CarDynamics according to the description of Lavalle’s book (see A simple car).

Create a class CarDynamics that integrates the dynamics of a car in the pattern of DifferentialDriveDynamics. We provided you with the classes CarCommmands and CarParameters.

CarCommands has two variables:

  • linear_velocity
  • steering_angle

CarParameters has one variable:

  • wheel_distance

To test your solution run python in the repository. If your solution is correct you should see the message: All tests passed successfully!

To automatically test your solution commit your changes to your forked repository and note the CircleCI badge (make sure you followed instructions at the beginning of this document).

Copy the file to ethz-fall2018-subs/Homework Assignment 4/AMOD18-ETH-last_name-duckiebot_name/. Push your solution and make a pull request.

Deadline is 23:59:59 on Tuesday 13.11.2018.