
Repo for CodeFunDo 2019. Solutions to the Indian Electoral System


Repo for CodeFunDo 2019. Solutions to the Indian Electoral System

The Election Commision has put a cap on the expenditure each canditate can make for Lok Sabha as well as Assembly elections. This limit is almost always exceeded and the canditates are never transparent in their dealings. We'll shift these traditional transactions to the blockchain platform. Each canditate has his/her blockchain and each transaction will be encoded into a block. This block have a Unique Identification number. Each block is connected to the prior and later one, creating a entire blockchain of transactions. The blocks will store the transaction amount, the recipent of the money and the purpose. Because of the highly unchangable and unhackable nature of the blockchain, the transactions will be virtually in the safest place and meddling between the books will be impossible. Also, no transaction can be deleted either. Any spending seen that hasnt been recorded will make the canditate liable to action. This will maintain high transparency in the campaigning process. Transparency will also help the EC monitor that money is being spent in the right way. Another added benefit is how this will make transactions end to end, eliminiting any excess roles of middle men or banks. And lastly, along with these transactions, donations to the canditate will also be recorded making sure no donations are made illegally.

In a Nutshell,

  1. Recording Transactions to avoid exceeding the cap on expenditure
  2. Transparency in campaigning
  3. Impossible to meddle accounts
  4. Track on Donations