Onsite Todo
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Merge log-stats and test
Rviz Capture with Point-Cloud
Test with WF2, Record Data and Videos
Take Videos and Pictures of Track and Tests (always)
Check Motor
Think about alternative track / Outdoor (Niklas)
Test with Chassis -> Chassis seems to make problems -> 1st place Lidar a little bit higher, analyse difference on testing with and without chassis on 4.25 m/s (rosbag)
Higher Speed Test -> 4.25 seems to be the maximum sane value, we need rework on breaking / max-speed
Test obstacle detection -> fail, rework
Final measure WF2
fix chassis problems (see above), maybe related to rework breaking #121
- race faster than 4.25 m/s (see rework breaking #121)
Final measure WF5
30 Minute longtermtest of WF5
Estimate speed like this: 1. bring car to specific speed, 2. pkill log_stats, 3. take time of n rounds (10?) manually, 4. pkill logstats, 5. while driving observe the track the car takes and measure it afterwards 6. compare measurements with values distance and speed avg from telemetry file
add correction factor for speed
Save RQT Data for last and best configuration
Save final telemetry data
Video with chassis
Send all Data to Marcel
Need drill hole in lidar platform for lidar cage