
Automatically generate OpenAPI documentation from unit tests

Primary LanguageGo


Automatically generate OpenAPI documentation from unit tests

Currently only supports json request/response and path/query parameters

  • import recorder
  • call the record and generate functions in your test cases. this will generate temporary files
  • run the test cases
  • call autodoc in your root directory to generate the OpenAPI file containing all tests


go install github.com/arpinfidel/autodoc
import autodoc "github.com/arpinfidel/autodoc/record"
r := autodoc.Recorder{
  Path:   "/foo/bar",
  Method: "post",
  Tag:    "foo",
  APISummary:         "Foo Bar",
  APIDescription:     "Foo to the bar for the lorem ipsum.",

for _, tt := range tests {
  t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {

    c, _ := gin.CreateTestContext(w)
    c.Request = &http.Request{
      URL:           &url.URL{},
      MultipartForm: &multipart.Form{},
      TLS:           &tls.ConnectionState{},
      Response:      &http.Response{},

      // Foobar being a gin.HandlerFunc
    r.RecordGin(handler.FooBar, autodoc.RecordOptions{
      UseAsRequestExample: tt.isSuccessCase,
    if env == "development" {
      // Or for standard http handler
      // r.Record(handler.FooBar)(w, r)

    // test logic here


  • response headers (recording done. just openapi left)
  • form body (recording done)
  • postman collection
  • other body types
  • multiple examples for request body